The Three Ultra 'Brothers'

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{Deep Space}

The portal from before appeared again. Facing straight for Remnant as the light inside brightened with curiosity. It noticed an addition to the familiar presences, along with one of them feeling different from before.

Wanting to understand what had happened. It searched around the planet for something it could use observe them before setting its sights on an Alien. The light pulsed a bit before disappearing and collapsing its portal once more.


A familiar futuristic room is seen. This time, there are different kinds of Dust crystals being analyzed on a table. They all surround a clear crystal which held up by claws to a machine. In the middle of the room, a restrained Beringel was propped up. It was a Grimm which looked like a Gorilla.

 It was a Grimm which looked like a Gorilla

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On its forearms were mechanical gauntlets. Though its eyes were darkened with no glowing red light in them, it hadn't disintegrated into dust yet. On the head of it was a mechanical helmet which covered the top of its head. In the middle of it was an Electric Dust crystal which glowed brightly.

In walked in a figure, looking like a bug-like alien. It stared at the Gorilla Grimm before approaching the table and looking at the clear crystal. It gave a low laugh while repeatedly raising and lowering their pincers. The pincer on the left looked different compared to the rest of the body, being cybernetic in nature instead. Suddenly, it got the idea to test out its new equipment.

Not bothering to question where the sudden idea came from, the figure installed the Dust crystals into the cybernetic pincer, along with the mysterious clear one before walking up to the Beringel. Staring straight into its eyes, the helmet electrocuted the Grimm back to life, its eyes shining red again with a yellow tint to them. It was quickly released from its restrains as it beat its chest, ready for anything.

All that could be heard was the figure laughing to itself as the object they resided in was a familiar UFO.

{Tokyo, Japan?}

On a beach, people run and scream from a large object rising from the sea. It soon emerges from the water and stands tall on two legs. It was alien-like in appearance, mainly colored a dark green with bright yellow lines around the body. Its legs had a knee-like bend but also one that went the opposite direction near the ankles. Its hands consisted of three fingers, each with a claw on it.

Along with two arms, the creature had two long tentacles with each arm. On its back were two big appendages, looking like closed wings. Lastly, the head of the creature mimicked the look of an octopus, multiple tentacles below its chin resembled a beard of some sorts. Its bright golden eyes peered at everything around itself.

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