Red's Test

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{Somewhere in Menagerie. Akio's POV}

Here I was, sitting down with Kenji at a cliffside in Menagerie. Thanks to what he did all those years ago when we had first arrived on Remnant, it was full of life. At the edge, no type of plant was there and instead, a gravestone occupied the space.

I looked at the grave for a few seconds before reading the text that was inscribed onto it. No words could be said at this moment. Nothing I could do to change the past and stop what had happened. With that, I got up and patted my friend's shoulder before walking off to give him some time alone there.

Kenji spent more time with them, so I understand if he'd need to stay a bit longer than me. He stayed there for a few more seconds until he got up just as I had done and walked off, with me in tow.

{Timeskip to the Rose Xiao Long Cabin}

"Wait, we're going where?" Ruby asked me. She had finally grown up to what she looked like in Volume 1.

We were outside of her family's cabin, discussing what was going to happen.

I held my hand out for her scroll, which she quickly gave as we had done this kind of interaction before. Searching up what part of Remnant I was looking for, I showed it to the girl as she took back her scroll.

"Menagerie? Are we going to meet some Faunus?" She wondered, to which I just shook my head no. The first Volume was nearing soon, and I wanted to see how much Ruby had already learned after all these years of me and her family teaching her.

"So why are we going there?" She questioned me, still confused. The front door opened, causing me and Ruby to stare at it to see Summer Rose come out.

"We'll be going to test you there since you're going into another year of Signal, we wanted to see if you're ready." Summer said. 

"Even with most of Menagerie having good living conditions for the Faunus, there are still spots where the Grimm stay." Summer kept explaining. I nodded in agreement from what she said. 'Thankfully I didn't need to deal with awkwardly using Ruby's scroll to talk with her...' I thought to myself before Summer continued.

"At a specific area, me and Gaia will watch as you try to take down the Grimm there." Ruby was a little skeptical and voiced her thoughts. "So, what Grimm am I looking for in the forest?" Ruby wondered. Summer just gave a smile before answering, "It'll only be lots of Beowolves. Maybe an Alpha Beowolf at worst." Summer told her, reassuring the girl.

With that settled, I grew gigantic and laid my hand down for them to climb onto. Once they were ready, I flew up into the sky and set off in the direction of Menagerie.

{Arriving at Menagerie}

Both Rose's followed me as we walked through a forest. Ruby was surprised by the different kinds of plants and animals here while Summer couldn't help but smile from how her daughter was checking out the life on this continent.

We arrived at a cliffside as I stopped right then and there. The two people behind me were confused by this and looked ahead. All they saw was a familiar gravestone which I had visited many times before with Kenji.

"Is that a grave?" Ruby wondered as she walked up to it. Summer looked at me with confusion before realizing who's was it. All I did was stand there as the now both mother and daughter went up to the headstone to read who's was it.

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