The Void's Temptation

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{3rd POV}

The two giants were flying back to Kuo Kuana. Along the way, Aegaeon is seen lagging behind a bit. A voice blares inside their mind.

'Kill him. Kill him now.' The familiar voice of the Queen of Grimm told them. As the Tartarean kept refusing to, the tone of her voice getting more demanding as she repeated the order.

'Do it.' She said. At this point, her voice sounded anything but human, only a monster left. Aegaeon holds their head in pain from the constant messages until they're broken out of their thoughts by Agul.

"Oi, you okay there?" He asks while holding onto their shoulder. From his presence, the voice got louder and aggressive. Aegaeon nods in hopes of trying to stop Agul's suspicions as they shut out the deafening voice.

The Ultra, still a bit suspicious, reluctantly lets it go so the two can fly again. They eventually near Kuo Kuana but are surprised by the sight there on the beach. Faunus scream and run away from the beach as the two titans look to see what was worrying them.

A large black fin cut through the water as it paced around the shore. This appearance startled the giant of light, making him freeze. To the giant of both, it was curious on where it had come from. '... Witch...?' It thought. Maybe she had brought it here to take them back.

Unexpectedly, the eyes to the creature surfaced and confirmed Agul's suspicions. There, surveying the land were the eyes to the Grimm Shark which had beaten Agul, the Halimaw. Seeing all the faunus run away in fear of the colossal creature gave Aegaeon some flashbacks, thinking of when they had first arrived here.

The Halimaw quickly sinks itself back into the water before ramming itself straight into the sand. This behavior confused the locals as they cautiously watched what it did. Eventually, the Grimm Shark pushed straight into the ground, leaving its fin sticking out from there. Faunus proceeded to return to their fleeing as the Halimaw began moving through the sand, almost as fast as when it was in the water. Without warning, the Tartarean zoomed straight down as a shockwave occurred from the speed it went.

Dust burst all around the area from the sudden landing as people wondered what had just landed. As they peered into the cloud of dust, there rising up was a familiar figure. Hope sprung from the faunus as they saw their protector, Agul coming to save them. That moment of relief quickly ended as the dust finally began to settle, revealing it to actually be Aegaeon, a sight that terrified and stressed the faunus even more.

They screamed at them in fear as the Tartarean looked behind to see the people not reassured from their arrival. Seeing this from their view, Salem tried using this as fuel to bring the Grimm Ultra back to her. 'See? They fear you. You aren't the shining hero that Agul is, so why try to be? Return back to me immediately or if you want... You can help your Grimm brethren in killing them all.' Salem told Aegaeon as they looked to see the Halimaw advancing towards the faunus. The giant stood there for a moment until they suddenly revealed their bright purple Blade from the gauntlet. It inspected the weapon while recounting its memories.

Salem's betrayal and wanting to kill them... Meeting the Belladonna family...

Salem naming the two Tartareans, Briareus and Tartarus... Agul renaming their doppelganger Aegaeon...

Their thoughts were interrupted by Agul landing nearby. Aegaeon stared at him while he ran up to the Halimaw's fin and tugged on it. He struggled to pull the Grimm Shark or even stop its advances. Seeing as it didn't get anywhere, Agul unleashed his Blade and stuck it deep into the sand which stabbed the Halimaw. The ground rumbled as Agul got knocked away from the Halimaw bursting out of the ground, jumping far into the air as it fell straight at the Ultra.

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