Tainted Glow

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{Evernight Castle. 3rd POV}

Salem was reviewing any recorded footage of both Gaia and Agul in her chambers, till she stopped at one recording which showed Agul being stabbed by Vakishim. The Queen of Grimm watched as a bright bluish liquid spewed out from the wound as it intrigued her.

"So, you do bleed... I wonder what I could make with that." Salem said to herself. She was planning to send some Grimm to take either of the Ultras' blood and use it to create something powerful.

"Maybe Watts can make something for it." She continued while walking out of her room to get Arthur Watts.

"Ozpin's allies might have even made something themselves. Especially the general..." After finishing that sentence, Salem laughed to herself as she imagined what she could create with the blood of these 'gods'.

{Schnee Manor. Kenji POV}

I watched Weiss and Winter sparring as Agul. Though Weiss was already breathing heavily compared to Winter who only had a bead of sweat on her forehead. Weiss breathed in before zooming towards Winter.

The older sibling saw this and blocked the attack. The two of them went to a standstill as their weapons' blades locked together. They struggled against each other before Weiss angled her blade's tip at Winter and used her semblance.

Though the glyph was small, it launched a speck of snow that hit Winter in the eye to allow Weiss to break out of the blade lock and go for a clean strike. Unluckily, Winter used her own semblance to create a shield to deflect her sister's strike.

The exhaustion and sudden knockback from this caused Weiss to let go of her rapier as she fell to the floor. She panted and slowly reached for her weapon, only to have Winter aim her own weapon at Weiss' head, ending the whole spar.

"That was a good effort Weiss, you'll definitely become a Huntress at this rate. That semblance attack you did was amazing as well, though it's small for now, it'll definitely be a greater move to use as you train with it." Winter congratulated her sister. She smiled brightly while Weiss lazily held up her fist for the improvement.

"Did I... Do good... Dad...?" Weiss asked me. I walked up to her and knelt down, giving her a head pat as I showed a thumbs up. She smiled warmly as she enjoyed the feeling. I stopped patting her head to pick her up and lay her down on a more comfortable place as Winter followed us.

"I'm glad you have been teaching Weiss all this. I wish I could have done it myself, but I can't visit too often. You really have become an amazing father figure to her. Thank you." Winter thanked me as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"It looks like my time here is almost up. I'll bring her to bed to rest properly. This is goodbye for now, Agul." She explained. I nodded before turning to Weiss who was still too tired to move.

"I have to say bye to both of you now...? Nooooo... I don't wanna go." Weiss cried. Her protests were unheard however, as Winter picked her up gently and started walking back inside.

"Bye dad... See you next time." Weiss tiredly said. I waved her goodbye as she did the same, with only her wrist as that was all the strength she had left. 

With Weiss tired and resting, I chose the rest of my day checking up on the sea. I've already learned much about this world from Akio's explanations to my own research in the libraries here in Vale and Beacon.

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