Black's Conflict

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(Holy crap guys, sorry for taking a bit to upload this one. It was kinda hard to write with how I've made the story now.

I hope it was worth the wait, though...)

{Somewhere in Forever Fall. 3rd POV}

At a rock in the middle of the forest, a man in black stood there. The most color thing on him was the white-colored mask on his face, covering his eyes. At his hip was a sheathe with a sword inside. His bright red hair was flowing through the wind as he decided to walk off in a seemingly random direction.

Unbeknownst to him, there was a humanoid figure hiding in the trees, watching what he'd do. It was a faunus girl, wearing a black vest as well as a white undershirt and shorts. Reaching the shorts, she has full black stockings and low-heeled boots. To finish off her outfit, the girl has both a black scarf around her neck and a bow at the top of her head. On her back was a gray colored sheathe, containing her own sword.

Her bright amber eyes scanned his movements as she quietly followed him through the trees. Soon enough, the red head reached a cliffside which had railroad tracks at the bottom. Far from him was a train far away, following this railroad. Just before the man was about to go to jump onto it, a sword was launched from the trees and straight at him.

In response, he turned around and fired a sword out of his sheathe, directly at the one approaching him. The only thing that was heard was the clash of both their weapons. "...Seems we meet again, traitor." The guy said to his attacker as he dashed to grab his own sword, with the girl reeling hers in by the ribbon at its end.

She said nothing, only jumping out of her hiding place with a few clones of herself following. They surrounded him just as he got ahold of his weapon. Seeing all these clones made him scoff as he hovered his hand over the sheathe, readying himself to fight. "You're making a mistake here, Blake." He tried reasoning with the girl, now named Blake, only for no response to be given.

After a few seconds, all the Blake's leaped at him, with the original flipping back as a new clone took her place. The guy quickly took his sword out, slashing all around him, taking out every shadow clone which Blake threw at him. What he wasn't expecting was the real Blake behind him, dashing in for a stab.

He rested his sheathe on his shoulder, pulling the trigger on it to fire behind him, and forcing Blake to dodge with a clone. Her body double took the bullet, looking like it'd go flying back before it disappeared into nothingness.

Blake continued onward, making a clone again as she propelled herself to slide on the ground. The clone kept running at the guy, causing him to fire at it, dispelling them. He didn't have enough time to react as the faunus girl kicked him in the shins with enough force to make him flip into the air.

As soon as he was hovering, Blake summoned a clone which kept sliding for her as she was propelled at him, dropkicking the man even farther into the air. Once he got his bearings, the guy noticed two Blake's nearing him. Upon sheathing his sword, he waited for one to get close, instantly slicing through them before holding his sheath up to block the others strike.

They struggled in their clash before Blake noticed his other hand with the blade. The man quickly tried to stab her as the girl backed up, creating a clone where she once was instead. It took the stab as he shoved his sheath onto the clone's abdomen, firing right into it as the shots went through and were going for the real Blake.

Once the clone disappeared, the guy just kept firing his rifle/sheath hybrid gun. Blake backflipped as a few body doubles appeared from it. One sheathed their sword and ran straight for their attacker while two transformed their swords into sickle/pistol hybrids. The last Blake just readied their sword and rushed in just like the first as one of the others followed suit, leaving one behind as she started firing her pistol at the guy.

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