Gaia trains one half of future RWBY

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{Timeskip to a few days after the rescue. Akio/Gaia POV}

I was in the middle of battling more Grimm on an island which was south of Mistral. One of them was a giant Nevermore which couldn't fly anymore due to me destroying one of its wings with a quick uncharged version of my Quantum Stream. The other was a Boarbatusk in kaiju size, some of its armor was cracked and I had beaten up its underside pretty well too. 

I watched as the boar Grimm started to charge its rolling attack at me again. Once it launched right at me, I grabbed the wounded Nevermore next to me as a shield. The Nevermore didn't stand a chance as I rammed it with the Boarbatusk, effectively finishing it off before I threw it at the now unrolled Boarbatusk, launching a fully charged Quantum Stream at the two of them.

The Boarbatusk saw its comrade and how they were pretty much defeated and just used its tusks to fling the broken Nevermore into the path of the beam attack before it exploded into dust and disintegrated.

Once the Nevermore was gone, the Boarbatusk looked around for me only to find that I was already rushing towards it. It tried to hit me with its tusks but I just grabbed them and started to lift it off the ground. The Grimm couldn't do anything as its whole front side was in the air, I just slammed it back down hard, stunning the Grimm which made it promptly try to do another spin launch at me before it just fell back down belly up.

And with that, I flew up to the sky and started zooming down towards the now disoriented Grimm. I started to produce more and more light into my fist as I flew down and when I slammed it onto the belly of the Boarbatusk, it created a flash of light from the hit and start to disintegrate it into nothingness.

I watched it disappear before I decided to check up on Ruby and Yang again, 'May as well start training them to prevent them from making mistakes in a few years once they go to Beacon.' I began to think. But just as I was about to head off, I saw a familiar face that I thought I'd never see here...

I looked into the distance and saw a blue giant floating just above the water's surface. I was about to go towards them before they just turned back and flew away, it seemed they were going to Menagerie?

'Looks like Agul has arrived. Gotta hope they don't try and start a fight with me... Wouldn't wanna end up like Gamu and Fujimiya.' I thought to myself before flying off to the island Patch.

{The island Patch at the Rose Xiao Long Residence. 3rd POV}

Its been a few days since Yang and Ruby had their little adventure. When Gaia had left, Tai had a talk with the two, just checking up on Ruby for injuries and doing the same with Yang, only scolding her for leaving the house for a 'clue' to her birth mother.

"I was so afraid when I saw you guys weren't here, I was thinking up all sorts of things that could have happened..." Tai began, "Yang, please never do anything like this again. I know finding out where your mother is at is something you can't stop doing but..." He told her as he held her tight.

"Just don't do anything too dangerous like this. Remember, you still have a little sister to take care of. But if you do... Just do it when you're old enough to protect yourself and others you bring, don't forget to let us know... Just in case." Tai finished saying to her, he knew that Yang wouldn't stop until she found out. Raven was just like that, however it was to perfect herself in combat, but she never stopped, nonetheless.

With that, Yang and Ruby would stay at the house and let Yang's cuts and bruises heal as she stayed in her bed to rest. However, it wasn't just Yang in bed, Ruby was with Yang as she read a story to her.

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