Nearing the Beginning, Saving a Fair Maiden

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(We're getting close to starting on the actual canon story everyone!

If I'm being honest, I feel like I might've screwed up some stuff along the way...

But hey, this is just my first try in writing a story and I'm having some fun doing it.

Anyways, off we go bois!)


Outside the Rose Xiao Long Cabin, three people are seen fighting. In the middle, battling against the other two, was Ultraman Gaia. Facing him were two young women who each had a familiar item on their person. One had a vial of red light hanging from a string attached to their weapon while the other wore golden bracelet containing a red gem.

One of these young women, the one with the blonde hair, lilac eyes, and yellow gauntlets, went for an uppercut to Gaia's side. He caught the attack with his forearm as they pushed against one another.

The other girl was using a giant scythe, had black hair with red tips, and has unique silver eyes. She tried doing an overhead slash at Gaia while he was busy with the blonde girl. Her hopes of landing a hit were in vain as the Giant of Light held his arm out to block it. As soon as the Ultra's arm and the girl's scythe made contact with one another, sparks flew out from there.

All three would stay there, with the girls trying to break the Ultraman's defenses as Gaia held them off. While they were all stuck in this clash, the door to the cabin opens up to show an older Taiyang and Summer. In the man's hands was a tray with some cups and a glass jug full of iced lemonade.

"Looks like you three are having a good sparring match." Tai summarized. He gestured to the tray in his hands as the group who were in the middle of combat all stared at the refreshing looking jug of iced lemonade.

Both girls zeroed in on the lemonade before turning to each other and nodding. Without any notion, the Giant pushed back both of them and ran for the blonde girl. All she did was wait for Gaia as he got close and went to punch her. Just as he was about to hit her, the girl's once lilac eyes shifted into a bright red as she crouched down and gave a straight punch right into the lower part of the Ultra's chest.

With that punch, the Giant recoiled away and held his chest in pain. However, once he did that, he unknowingly allowed the second girl ambush him. A bundle of roses flew up and around him, making Gaia dizzy before they condensed into the girl with silver eyes. While Gaia was still dazed, the girl barraged him with slashes using her scythe. After that, she quickly transformed back into roses, shooting up into the air to form back into the girl and allow her to finish with a spinning overhead slash.

Both Taiyang and Summer could only smile from how the two girls were doing.

"They're getting really good at this." Tai said proudly.

"Yang is definitely going to be ready for Beacon. I bet Ruby will try to impress Qrow with her skills after he's back from that mission." Summer told him.

Gaia groaned from this and went down to the ground, face down. As he did this, the two girls stood side by side with each other, ready for what he'd do. All he did was slowly sit up and give them a nod and thumbs up. Both Yang and Ruby smiled and cheered before heading straight for Taiyang and Summer.

The whole family rests on the ground next to Gaia, with the tray of lemonade at their side. From the cabin, a bark is heard just before Zwei rushes out, flinging himself straight at the Giant who was knocked to the ground from the sudden appearance of the dog.

"And Zwei beats Gaia single'paw'dedly!" Yang exclaimed, earning a groan from both her sister and mother. Tai gave a beaming smile and thumbs up with Gaia giving one himself after getting up from Zwei's sneak attack.

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