An Interesting Night, Finally at the Start

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(Is this a return?


It's gonna be a slow one though.

Like, turtle slow or something.

Hope you enjoy this, bois.)

"I'm gonna be honest, that walk took a lot longer than I thought." Akio said to Glynda once they finally reached the apartment after what felt like a long time. Once he let her in, Akio let out a sigh as he closed the door behind them.

Noticing his somewhat deflated mood, the Goodwitch looked over at her boyfriend.

"Is something wrong?" She walked up to him as he tried waving it off.

"It's nothing. Just thought of something." With a look of concern still on her face, she suddenly pulled him into a hug and started rubbing his back.

Akio looked down at her wide-eyed before letting out a smile and wrapping his arms around her, hugging her back.

"You can always talk to me, you know?" Glynda told him. The two would stay there for a few more seconds before Akio gently pulled away from the hug.

His eyes looked right back at hers as he finally managed to speak up. "Glynda... There's something I want to tell you..." He said in a serious tone. A couple moments pass as Akio tries to say what he has in mind; all the while, Glynda just says nothing and waits for him.

"Promise you won't laugh at what I have to say...?" He asked, looking at her with pleading eyes. Seeing him act all embarrassed about whatever he was wanting to talk about made Glynda giggle. She just nodded and took his hands into hers, rubbing the back of them with her thumbs to reassure him.


Akio took a deep breath before looking at Glynda. "I... know what'll happen in the future... kind of..." He nervously stared at his girlfriend and awaited whatever response she had to give. The Huntress processed what she heard from her boyfriend for a few seconds. As the silence between them grew, Akio's anxiety did as well.

After some more seconds, his worry reached its peak and made him turn away. "Y'know what? Forget what I said. What I said was pretty stu-" Before he could finish berating himself, Akio was spun back around and found Glynda's lips pressed firmly against his own. He began to ease into it and kissed back, leading to the two once again embracing each other.

The two broke away a moment later. In that time of them catching their breaths, Akio could feel his heart beating out of his chest. "What did I do to deserve you...?" He thought out loud.

Glynda couldn't help but blush upon hearing what he said. D-Don't say things like that!!" Akio chuckled at that.

"What? It's true!" He carried her in his arms and held her tight. "I couldn't ask for anyone better!"

The Goodwitch tried to look frustrated as a smile creeped its way onto her face. "Oh, shush you..." She playfully smacked his chest as she was let down.

"Anyways," Akio began, "What I was trying to say was..." He steeled his nerves in that moment and finally finished what he had to say.

"I've seen what'll happen later down the line. For this world, I mean." He stopped his explanation for a moment to let Glynda process it.

Speaking of his girlfriend, she raised an eyebrow at this information before deciding to let it go and have him continue.

"I... may or may not have gained knowledge about this world from an outside source before coming here." His thoughts brought up the multitude of times that he watched RWBY with his family.

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