A Warm Glow within the Darkness

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{Evernight Castle. 3rd POV}

Briareus finally arrived at the castle as they panted from the exhaustion of the fight with Agul and the flight getting here. While doing that, their Nevermore came flying in after and landed nearby, looking calm as it picked around its wings to clean them. Eventually, Salem had gotten out of the castle to meet with them as Briareus had caught their breath.

"Seems you've made it back. Were you successful?" Salem asked. She already knew that the Tartarean had lost but wanted to see what the response would be. Briareus looked away as they debated what to do.

The Queen of Grimm stayed there, curiously waiting for a response. Eventually, the Grimm Ultra looked back and shook its head no as Salem stared at them with no readable expression. The two stayed there, staring at each other which started psyching out Briareus. Thankfully, Salem stopped and gave a sigh.

"Hmm, well... There's always next time." She told Briareus. This surprised them as they tilted their head in confusion. Suddenly a Grimm Pool appeared below the giant as tentacles formed and started latching onto them. The dark titan gasped in confusion as they struggled against the binds, only to be dragged further and further down into the endless pit.

"I hate to say this, but... I'll be needing to make a new pair of Tartareans to fight the Ultramen. Thank you for showing me what to fix for the next version of you, however." The Dark Queen admitted, giving a smile that would be heartwarming in a different situation. Salem raised a hand to the Grimm Pool which led to more tentacles appearing and grabbing onto Briareus.

The giant of darkness kept trying to break free of the bonds, only to have them tighten their grip on Briareus with every movement of resistance. While this was happening, a bluish light started growing from the color timer of the Grimm Ultra, overtaking the flashing pinkish light that was already there.

The desire of surviving and freedom came to Briareus as they kept trying to pull themselves out. With those thoughts, the Tartarean felt a surge of power go through them as a bluish aura pulsed out of them. From this sudden glow, Salem and the Nevermore recoiled due to the purity of the light. The Grimm Pool gave a shriek as the tentacles let go of their target and retreated back into the depths of the abyss.

From this newfound power coursing through its veins, Briareus roared a battle cry and burst with light. Because of the Tartarean being in the Pool itself, it took the brunt force of the blast and quickly spit them out as the endless chasm disintegrated into nothing. Once free, the titan shot into the air and flew off, shimmering with the blue light as some purple and black shadows were mixed in there as well.

After a few seconds, Salem turned back to see what had happen, only to discover that that Briareus had disappeared with the Grimm Pool disintegrated and the Nevermore burned from its lightshow surprise.

Salem scowled and clenched her fists in frustration, "Damn it... I should have killed that last bit of humanity in it when I had the chance." She said to nobody in particular.

"Very well then, I'll just make Tartarus with the remaining blood of Gaia and Agul..." With that statement, another Grimm Pool emerged as a corrupted orb of Gaia's light came out of it. The Queen of Darkness smirked at the sight before conjuring the light of Agul here. Suddenly, a blue orb of light from Agul was teleported there.

The Grimm Queen giggled as she had tentacles grow out of the chasm of endless abyss. One small signal of her pointing to the ball of light was all the tentacles needed to wrap themselves around Agul's light and drag it down with Gaia's corrupted light. Once the two orbs were fully submerged, you could see a blue glow try and brighten enough to escape, only for a dark red glow to clash with it. The two battled for dominance until the red glow grew even darker and consumed the blue.

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