A Sacrifice for Brothers, Remnant's Gift

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(I feel like I kinda drifted off from RWBY with this story...

But, after this 'Volume', I'll actually go to the real start of the storyline with some chapters along the way there.)

Aegaeon clashed their Blade against one of Tartarus' armored forearms once the two reached each other. The Purple Titan had to use their other arm to put more pressure on their Blade just so they could match the strength of the Apex Grimm's arm. Taking advantage of Aegaeon needing both arms, Tartarus punched them in the face with their free one, launching the Grimm Ultra away.

Aegaeon recoiled from this and broke the clash because of it, leading to Tartarus to drive a fist into their gut, bringing them to their knees. Continuing from this, the Violet Giant's face was shoved into the ground before being dragged across it for extra measure.

With the Violet Grimm downed, the Apex one gave a devastating stomp to the back of its head, creating a small crack on their face and ground around it while knocking them out cold. Just as Tartarus was about to finish Aegaeon off, they were hit by an Electric Dust Blast which shocked them. Afterwards, an Ice Dust Beam shot it and froze the Tartarean.

Agul and Gaia had finally arrived after struggling to even get back up. They pulled their Ultra Brother away from their Grimm brother and left them at a safer distance. The combined Jetwings flew by their heads and readied a Hard-Light Beam to finish Tartarus off. The two remaining Ultramen followed suit and prepared their own finishers.

Unfortunately, Tartarus broke out of their icy prison just in time to react to all these beams. Seeing as there were three attacks going straight for them, they unleashed their own to counter them all. Gaia's, Agul's, and the Jetwings' beams struggled against the power of Tartarus' Negative Flow technique. Even as all three's had combined, the mixture of both Gaia and Agul's light, the dark magic from Salem, and the Grimm body itself had strengthened this beam attack to the maximum. Now, Negative Flow was starting to win in the beam struggle.

Though the Ultras and Jetwings tried as they might, it didn't stop Tartarus' beam from overpowering theirs. This knocked back all of them, leading to the Jetwings separating from the force of it and both Ultras to be down on the ground again. The two aircrafts went crashing to the ground, leading to the pilots getting knocked unconscious from the rough landing.

Agul got up once more and looked to check on Gaia, only to see something he was afraid of. The Giant of the Land was laying on the ground, with his eyes having no glow to them, as well as his own Life Gauge. The Sea Giant went and knelt down next to him, all while the Apex Grimm just watched, amused to see their original counterpart seemingly dead.

Silently, the Blue Ultra stared at their friend, unmoving. Fortunately, the Red Giant started to shrink, both reassuring and worrying Agul as Gaia reverted back to Akio. The Ultra host groaned before opening his eyes to see the big figure of their friend.

"...Kenji? Why do you look so giant? It's like I'm a human again-" He began before realizing that he actually did change back.

"Oh no..." Akio said as he pulled out his Esplender. When he saw the state of it, he shuddered. The once shining glass which contained Gaia's light had now been cracked, though not fully shattered. Akio looked back at Kenji with a worried look on his face. That worried look changed to fear as he pointed behind his friend.

"Watch out!!" He tried warning him. Agul turned just in time to see Tartarus going for a punch, causing the Blue Giant to roll away. The hit barely missed him as the Grimm's attack struck the ground instead, making Akio fall down from the shockwave.

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