Apex Titan

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{RSLV Homebase. 3rd POV}

Jill is seen alone, supporting the rest of the team who have just finished a mission. "Good job guys, that one might've been the best we've done so far." She praised them.

And in comes Ironwood. He stands there in silent, just watching what his team is doing. Though he wasn't showing it, Ironwood was proud of what these four had already accomplished. 'I knew they would be a great team.' He thought to himself. After a few more seconds, Ironwood decided to make his presence known as he greeted Jill.

"Hello there Jill. Seems like you all finished another mission." He told her before turning to the monitor and saying hello to the rest of the team.

As the Jetwings were flying back to base, Grimm Locke spotted something in the distance and informed everyone of it. "Is that a group of Grimm flying towards us?" He asked everyone, causing Winter and Jack to snap to attention and see it as well.

Hearing the commotion, Ironwood and Jill tried looking through the monitors to find what Grimm had noticed. The whole group saw a group of giant Grimm creatures just flying in a direction, ignoring the Jetwings and even the occasional villages below them.

"Call me crazy but, I think that Gaia imposter was there." Jack said. Winter continued with more information, "I also saw two giant Nevermores and an unknown winged Grimm there as well." Realizing just how concerning it was for all these Grimm to fly away, Ironwood gave them a new mission.

"Are you four all fine with going on another mission immediately?" The general asked them. Jill nodded and gave a thumbs up as the other three gave their responses through the monitor.

"Not like I had anything else to do besides waiting for more missions." Jack said.

"I'm fine, sir." Grimm told him.

"I'm assuming we're going to deal with something urgent if you're asking us now instead of when we're all at base. I'm fine with another one already." Winter stated.

"Alright then. Seeing as we just spotted that group of Grimm, I want you all to tail them. We might be able to find where they're going as we follow them. If need be, we'll engage them if there isn't any other choice." Ironwood explained.

With that, the two Jetwings tailed the group of Grimm at a far distance to learn why they were flying and to formulate a plan to fight them.

{Vale. 3rd POV}

The four Grimm reached Vale as Tartarus falls to the ground first, with the Kapre Demonyo and Nevermores following soon after. People run away and scream as the ground shakes from the landing of these giants. Once Tartarus stood up straight again, it pointed in a general area and ordered the Nevermores to go wreak havoc there. He turned to another direction and had the Kapre Demonyo to cause destruction over there.

With the other three Grimm off making huge commotions, Tartarus focused on where its Ultra counterparts were. In just a few moments, the Tartarean senses the two familiar energies that it itself was made of, not finding any other energies familiar to it however. Two lights simultaneously appeared in front of a Grimm. One red and the other as a mix of blue and violet.

The red light expanded before shooting up into the air and landing down, making the ground shake from Ultraman Gaia's appearance as he stood opposing the two Nevermores. The light mixture of blue and violet grew until it shaped into Ultraman Agul kneeling before he rose up against the Kapre Demonyo.

This sudden appearance had the Grimm back up defensively from their respective giants. Just as they would go and fight against each other, multiple shots were heard from above. Tartarus looked in the direction of the noises and immediately conjures up its Grimm Barrier, a gray swirling energy barrier, to counter a stream of Dust blasts.

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