Giant of Light vs. Creature of Darkness

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{A forest in Remnant, Summer's POV}

The giant looked at its hands for a bit before turning towards the Manticore as it growled at the light which blinded it. Seeing as the Grimm was blinded, the giant went to looking around instead and spotted me.

The instant it set its eyes on me, I didn't know what it would do. I could only hope it wasn't going to finish what the Manticore started. And to my pleasant surprise, it didn't, simply looking back at the Manticore after staring at me for a moment.

The Manticore was already getting ready to rush at this new opponent and the giant didn't seem to want to go down without a fight itself as it readied a stance while the Manticore ran at them.

Right when the Manticore was going to bite the giant's shoulder, they had dropped down and laid down before pushing their legs into the Grimm's core. This launched the Manticore to the sky which made it soar over me and behind me. I guess the Manticore was surprised as well since it didn't try to steady itself in the air.

The giant looked at me for one moment before it walked away from me, leaving me unable to see the rest of the fight between them. I wouldn't be able to anyways, with my eyes beginning to close from all the exhaustion.

'I hope that giant wins...' I thought to myself before fully passing out.

{Forest in Remnant. In Akio/Gaia's POV}

After walking away from Summer to avoid accidentally squishing her or something during this fight, the Manticore was really pissed off now. It galloped towards me but instead of just trying to bite or scratch me, it started to breathe fire. Before the fire could reach me, I quickly prayed that I could use Gaia's techniques before trying to use Ultra Barrier which thankfully worked. 

I was so amazed by this, that I didn't notice that the Manticore was already flying towards me and readying a tackle whilst I was looking at the barrier from my hands

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I was so amazed by this, that I didn't notice that the Manticore was already flying towards me and readying a tackle whilst I was looking at the barrier from my hands. Once I did see it, I was already hit by the tackle and dragged in the air and into the sky as the Manticore proceeded to start scratching and biting me while keeping its tail wrapped around my body to prevent me from getting out of its grasp.

The Grimm was about to bite me again, so I grabbed its snout with one hand before socking it in the nose with the other which made it recoil to hold its nose in pain. With its attention on its own nose, it lost its grip on me with its tail which made me slip out of its grasp.

I was now falling down, slightly panicking due to not knowing how to fly as I tried to flap my arms...? I know that's not how he flew but hey, its worth a try (It really wasn't). As I kept falling, I remembered how Gaia flew.

In a desperate attempt to try and not be flat as a pancake, I faced the sky before tucking my arms in. Then I flicked them out and kept them in front of me as I closed my eyes while praying that I would start flying.

When I opened my eyes, I saw myself going up into the air, I looked around and saw myself flying! 'I did it!' I thought to myself as I started to spin around and try to do tricks in the air.

But before I could celebrate further, I was scratched by the Manticore which had finally recovered from my snout punch as it had flown at me to attack me. I grunted in pain before readjusting myself in the air and flying at the Manticore as it started did the same at me.

When the Manticore was about to reach me, I used the Ultra Barrier to ram into it, making it smash its face on it. The Manticore was dazed from that and started falling down from the sky until it hit the ground with a loud crash.

I slowly descended down before letting my feet hit the ground, standing up and getting into a stance once more as the Manticore had shaken itself and started snarling.

The Grimm tried to breathe more fire at me but I, with gained confidence from being able to fly and using the Ultra Barrier, launched a Gaia Slash at one of its eyes.

The Grimm tried to breathe more fire at me but I, with gained confidence from being able to fly and using the Ultra Barrier, launched a Gaia Slash at one of its eyes

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The ray of light was launched at the face of the Manticore, slicing one of its eyes so it was partially blinded and forcing it to close the eye and howl in pain. This made it forgot it was trying to breathe fire at me and try to comfort its wounded eye instead.

Taking advantage of the Grimm being distracted, I ran toward the Grimm but it had seen me with its good eye and tried to use its tail to stab me and inject its venom. I sidestepped to let it pass me and grabbed the tail. Once I had made sure that I got a good grip, I started to spin and swung the Grimm like it was Bowser before letting go as it went flying in a direction.

The Manticore fell to the ground again before going to get back up again. 'Are these things Choju or something?!' I questioned from seeing how it just kept getting back up just to attack me. I just sent another Slash at its tail which severed the stinger as the now separated piece dissolved away into black dust. Now the Manticore couldn't sting me.

It glared at me with a vengeance in its eyes before letting out a roar and sprinted toward me. I saw what was happening and went into a running stance before taking off at the Grimm as it went to me.

Just before it could slash me with its claws, I clasped my hands together making a double hammer fist and swung my fists to the side, baseball bat style, hitting it with enough force to push it back. While it was still disoriented, I ran up to it and gave it a straight kick, pushing it to the ground now.

Now that it was exhausted, I thought of the perfect way to finish this, so I stepped back and readied myself. I crossed my arms across my chest before pulling them out and having them outstretched at my sides.

Then I had my arms in front of my face like a boxer and curled forward as I pull leaned back up while a whip-like beam of photon energy came out from the top of my head. It kept growing till I stopped leaning back before pulling it forward with my head, allowing the beam to shoot at the Manticore just as it stood back up.

The Grimm could barely react before it was hit by a wave of pain and was knocked back as some light from the beam started swirling around the Manticore before it exploded

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The Grimm could barely react before it was hit by a wave of pain and was knocked back as some light from the beam started swirling around the Manticore before it exploded. This ended the Kaiju sized Manticore as the remains started dissolving into dark dust before they all dissolved from the light that came from my attacks.

(How'd you guys like the combat in this? Hope you all liked it)

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