The Light of the Land and Sea Meet at Long Last

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{Timeskip to a few months later. 3rd POV}

Gaia had been training Yang and Ruby in combat as Agul was doing with Blake and Weiss for months now. When Summer and Qrow were able to get out of the hospital, Ruby immediately asked them to help her learn how to use the scythe. While that was happening, Yang had asked Tai to do the same with her, only in brawling instead.

Seeing how the two would be occupied by their family for a while, Gaia opted to checking around the world in case of any trouble happening.

As of now, he had just detected a giant threat at a beach on the south end of Mistral. He was speeding through the air till he spotted it.

{Beach at the south end of Mistral. Akio/Gaia's POV}

Once I got to the beach, I landed and looked towards the Grimm... It was in the shape of a star with its main body consisting of 5 black limbs. The center of it had a bright red eye with it being surrounded by white bone-like armor plating.

'A giant starfish...? Kinda like that double-starfish bat-headed thing in Ultraman.' I was so confused by this, but quickly snapped out of it as it made some sort of battle cry made of gargling noises...

It went stiff before it spun around like a tire and dashed towards me like a giant throwing star. I pulled out my Barrier to stop it from going further but it had one of its feet'?' get caught on the end of it before climbing over, landing on me in the process until it started repeatedly running me over.

I groaned from this before getting back up and getting into a fighting stance. Once it started up its spin again, I started to think how to counter it, 'How about I keep it spinning?' And with that thought, I used my Gaia Blizzard on the ground.

 Once it started up its spin again, I started to think how to counter it, 'How about I keep it spinning?' And with that thought, I used my Gaia Blizzard on the ground

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This made slippery ice in its path as it to spun out of control before falling down. I acted quickly from the shock it was dealing with right now and grabbed ahold of one of the feet things, beginning to spin it around before it got ripped off like Gomera's tail.

The GrimmStar, which is the nickname I'll give it, then stood itself back up and regenerated its lost limb. I looked back at the torn off limb and saw it began to wriggle around, before it started to grow itself.

I knew I shouldn't let it keep growing so I went to stop it, only for the previous GrimmStar to grab onto me from the back and wrap itself around me. I tried struggling but it was so strong! Then I began seeing something come out of what looked like the chest. 

'Shit! Isn't this how starfish eat something?! I knew I should've paid more attention to Kenji's sea creature facts!' I was panicking in my head as I continued to struggle out of the GrimmStar's grip as some red colored organ looking thing began coming out.

I looked around for something to help me, only to see the second GrimmStar to be done regenerating, a perfect clone of the original, it too began approaching me, ready to consume me with its parent.

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