Let Your Resolve Shine Through!

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{RSLV Homebase. 3rd POV}

Hours after RSLV's first official mission since the sudden one with the Ultras was a spur of the moment, Jack and Jill went up to their neighboring rooms.

The Jameson brother was still soaking up his victory and new friendship with the expert pilot named Grimm as he had a pep in his step while walking to his room. Jill on the other hand, was questioning how her brother could be fine with multiple near-death experiences in the first few times they've been deployed.

Especially on how he'd just go back into the fray again after each of them. 'How does he keep going even after all of that...?' She wondered to herself. The Jameson sister then imagined herself in those situations and could only imagine how she'd give up from all those close calls.

'I wish I wasn't so scared...' Jill thought to herself as she and Jack said good night to one another before entering their respective rooms. She immediately got ready for bed and laid in it as she kept thinking more on the scenarios and how Jack could keep pushing forward before falling asleep at some point.

{Timeskip. 3rd POV}

The whole team was up and checking in on every kingdom in case of any trouble happening there. Thankfully, there was either nothing or already some Hunters on the problem already. After the Ultra situation and the Grimm swarm, it's safe to say they can relax for a little to calm their nerves. Jack and Grimm were gone from the command center as they wanted to go work on their skills with the Jetwing.

This left Jill and Winter in the command center as the purple haired girl was distracted by her thoughts she had from last night. 'Everyone's braver than me... I was the only who stayed behind in the base as the rest of them went to go help the Ultras.' She thought to herself as she tightened the grip of her fists while looking down. Seeking for answers, Jill turned to the only other person in the room and went to ask her as she was currently checking on a status report of Vale.

"Winter? I have a question, if you're willing to answer it that is." Jill asked the white-haired specialist who turned to her.

"How... How are you all able to do it?" She asked which confused Winter.

"Do what exactly?" At this point, the Schnee had stopped working and focused on what Jill would say. Jill sighed sorrowfully as she confessed what has been eating her up for the whole day.

"How are you all able to risk your lives to fight? How are you not worried of being swarmed by a bunch of Ravagers or crushed by a giant monster? How are you not scared?" Jill questioned as she looked at Winter teary eyed. She leaned forward and squinted at Winter to convey this as she waited for an answer.

At this point, Winter finally lost her professional facade and looked empathic towards Jill. "We risk our lives to show that we humans can stand as equals to the Ultras and help them. Your brother and Grimm already knew the consequences of choosing to go with this position. They accepted it and faced it head on to stop the swarm from destroying the village." Winter told her. The Jameson sister slowly let her head fall down to stare at her lap as she listened to what her teammate had to say.

"As for how I'm not scared of it... Why did you think I wasn't...?" She asked Jill. This caused the girl to widen her eyes in shock as she looked up to stare at Winter. She saw that on the Schnee's face was a look of discomfort and fear. It was only for a moment until she straightened back up into her usual expression again.

Winter was about to continue before an alarm sounded from the monitors. The two of them quickly checked it to find an emergency in Vale.

"Some sort of attack of an unknown creature. Reports of it indicate that the size of it can be compared to a normal Faunus or Human. It also has been seen to be armed with a pair of cutlass-like swords which are colored the same as them." Winter tells Jill. The screens show blurry images of photos that tried to get a shot at the green and red colored entity.

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