A New Life

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From deep space, a portal opened. It was just like the other ones before however, it grew larger till the middle of it shows the other side of the gate. Nothing is seen except a bright light shining from there. You can see that even while it was far into the void, it was aimed directly at Remnant.

It started plotting something before the light within the portal grew a bit dark, as if realizing something as it sensed two familiar presences on the planet. Knowing this knowledge, it decided to just disappear, with the portal collapsing on itself and disappearing.

{Belladonna Home. 3rd POV}

In a room lies a resting Briareus. All of a sudden, the door to the room is quietly opened to reveal Kali Belladonna. As she is checking how they are, a pair of black cat ears pop out from the door frame until the owner is revealed to be Blake as she sticks her whole head to see what her mother is doing.

While the little black cat watches her mother check up on their Ultra guest, a hand ruffles her ears and hair, confusing her. She turns to who did it and see it's her dad, Ghira. The giant faunus chuckles from seeing what his daughter was doing, gaining the attention of Kali which has her turn around to see what was happening.

"Is there a little ninja trying to spy on me again?" Kali teasingly asks Blake. The cat girl is startled, realizing her cover is blown. She stares angrily at Ghira for getting her caught as the panther faunus could only smile, viewing her as cute rather than anything else.

"I just wanted to see if they were awake yet. You guys don't really let me in here..." Blake admits, looking down to the ground. Ghira sees her mood change and kneels down to her level, patting her head which makes Blake look at him.

"We don't want you in danger, that's all. We can't forget when it fought against Agul. If you want, just ask one of us to come with you alright?" Ghira offered his daughter. Blake smiled a bit and accepted it, giving him a hug afterwards which he reciprocated. Kali watched this whole interaction with a huge smile on her face.

The moment was then interrupted by a groan coming from behind Kali. They all turned towards it and saw the Ultra Grimm's eyes beginning to shine their usual bright purple color. Blake goes to get a closer look, but Ghira pulls her back and has them stay back instead. While that happens, Kali waits for Briareus to fully wake up.

Once it does, the dark giant looks around the room, seeing it's in a new location, before looking to the side and spotting Kali. This confuses and frightens them as they crawl backwards to get away from her. Soon enough, their back was against the corner of the room which makes them turn back to see what happened and realize they're stuck. When they look in front again, they see Kali approaching with Ghira and Blake behind her, standing idle.

Seeing the Tartarean's reaction, Kali stops and instead, checks its body language. Upon realizing that it's scared and bewildered, she begins to step back. Blake looks at her mother questionably while Ghira and Kali had a silent conversation, almost like what Agul and Gaia do. With their unvocal discussion over, the Belladonna family files out of the room. Just before Kali closes the door, she let Briareus know one thing.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Let yourself get adjusted to this place first." The cat faunus told the dark swordsman. They started relaxing their body, seeing how they'd get some alone time for a bit. Briareus nodded to Kali's statement as she gave a gentle smile towards them before closing the door and leaving the giant by itself.

Looking around, it found itself on a bed in the corner. It examined the bed as they felt the frame holding the shape of it. Looking at the head of the bed, the giant finds two white pillows, with one being a bit wrinkled and misshapen from their own head.

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