White's Performance

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{Somewhere in the ocean}

In the deep blue, a boat is seen as there were waves violently rocking it. From above, a new and improved Jetwing is seen offering support by trying to use a Gravity beam to capture the small ship and fly it to safety.

It's already been several years since the 'Titan Clash' as the people called the battle between the Three Ultra Brothers vs. Tartarus and its Grimm troops. In that time, RSLV had upgraded their Jetwings and even added a couple of new vehicles to its roster. 

"Me and Grimm'll take the civilians away from this fight. That alright with you, sis'?" An older Jack asked Jill through the intercom. The two best friends were controlling the Jetwing as the Jameson sister was piloting something else.

"W-Wait, don't just leave me here!" She said, trying to stop her brother from going off without her.

"You already piloted the Mobydiver before, so why are you worried about it now?" He wondered.

This vehicle was essentially a submarine, but with room for two people. At the sides were Water Dust powered torpedoes. The Water Dust allowed these underwater missiles to practically be shot as bullets in the sea. Its propellors had the same type of mechanism, making the vehicle move easily in the ocean.

As if to answer that, Jill peered through her front-view mirror to see Ultraman Agul battling against a huge squid-like Grimm.

"Do you not see what is happening in front of me?!" Jill exclaimed. Jack could only laugh from his sister's worries, quickly dropping off the boat at the closest harbor before Grimm flew them back to Jill and the two giants.

"Remember your training, Jill." Winter reminded her as she was the one monitoring them all at base this mission.

Tentacles from the Grimm squid latched onto the Ultra, sticking because of their suction cups. The Blue Giant struggled to get out of its grasp, his Saber already out and unable to reach for the enemy.

Noticing the small underwater vehicle, Agul turned himself to have the squid Grimm be in full view of Jill. With the squid Grimm too occupied with Agul himself, it wasn't prepared to be hit by the full blast of his Photon Discharge, leading it to back away from him. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, she quickly launched two torpedoes at it, making the creature writhe in pain.

Now that it was stunned from both their attacks, Agul rushed at it, slicing off some of its tentacles before he was blinded by its sudden ink blast. The Mobydiver continued on and fired off slower moving torpedoes, infused with Hard-Light Dust which effectively made them bright lanterns in the water.

This counteracted the ink as Agul found himself able to see again, spotting the squid Grimm trying to get away from the light.

Before it could swim off, Agul threw his Saber at it like a spear, hitting its mark as the monster stopped in its tracks from the impact. It could only utter a final groan of pain before the Blue Giant used his Liquidator to finish it off.

He briefly turns around to give a nod to Jill in the Mobydiver before swimming to the surface and flying off.

{Schnee Manor. 3rd POV}

Agul is seen floating down towards the courtyard, having just arrived after that battle with RSLV and the squid Grimm. He saw Weiss already waiting there as usual, however she didn't run up to him like before. Confused, the Ultra walked up to the ice princess to see she was distracted by something.

When he had walked right in front of her, it took the Schnee a few seconds before she noticed him. In that time, Agul noticed a scar on the left side of her face, perplexing him. At that moment, she wrapped her arms around him and gave a huge hug, which he reciprocated.

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