Newfound Revelation

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{Evernight Castle. 3rd POV}

Salem is out of her castle, summoning a Grimm pool which appears in front of her. She had seen the latest news of Briareus joining up with Gaia and Agul. When she tried to look through their vision to get any information of the two giants, her head began to ache as all she could see was a blinding light.

She had even sent a giant Beringel to attack them, only for it to be stolen by that Alien. The extraterrestrial even found a way to stop it from disintegrating and mind control it. However, none of that mattered as both the Alien and the modified Beringel were destroyed by the three Ultra 'Brothers' as the media names them now.

Frustrated from all this bad luck, the Queen of Grimm decided to use her trump card as of now. Seeing as it would only be a matter of time before the three of those Ultras would try to take her down here in the Land of Darkness, especially when they had Briareus on their side.

While conjuring the giant Grimm pool, Salem called for another Grimm to accompany this one. A huge, winged object flew over and landed next to her. The Grimm creature brought its wings out to make itself look larger as Salem could only smile upon seeing her creation.

"Hello there... You know, I never actually thought of a name for you. But the name that man gave you sounded perfect." The Grimm crouched down to her level as Salem pet its nose. Once she was finished, it stood up tall again.

"Kapre Demonyo... Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" She said, grinning. Suddenly, the Grimm pool started to violently bubble as the Demonyo shielded its master with a wing.

The pool began erupting its black liquid like a volcano. At its peak, the whole thing exploded and gave way to a mix of colors. Two lights, one blood red and the other dark purple shined together as pieces of the shadows came along with them. In the center of the pool, a hand shot out as it was trying to grasp something.

It sunk back into the void a bit before pushing itself and the whole body out of the Grimm pool, flying out like a rocket. From the start of its hands and feet, it was colored black before fading into blood red. It had dark purple coloring at both sides of its waist and underside of its arms. On both arms and shins, it was given heavy bone white armor. From its shoulders to its chest, there was boney white armor which was lined with bronze. The whole body was muscular with all of the fusions of power inserted into it. The Life Gauge it had was outlined with bronze plating as the gem itself was bright pink. From the neck up, the familiar face of Tartarus was seen.

As the upgraded Tartarean was in the air, it inspected its own body. It marveled at the sheer power it felt as it flexed parts of its body and watched them. Salem just looked at the giant with a wide grin, proud of her work on it.

"Seems you're eager to try out this new upgraded form of yours. I'm curious on what you can do as well." Salem said as Tartarus fell down to her level, making the ground shake as Kapre Demonyo went to hover in the air while Salem just stood there, not bothered by the quaking happening.

"I think I've let you wait long enough. We both are tired of stalling, yes? Let's have you try it out on some live subjects... Preferably, ones of the Ultra type." The Queen said to herself. She snapped her fingers as two giant Nevermores crawled out of the Grimm pool which Tartarus left.

"These two Nevermores will help assist you against those filthy Jetwings that RSLV uses. That way, you can go have your fun with the Ultras in peace." Salem told Tartarus. The two avian Grimm flew up to the dark giant's shoulders and rested there.

At this point, the Demonyo had already landed back down next to Salem again, giving her another idea. "Since there are three of them now, due to Briareus' betrayal, Kapre Demonyo will be with you to separate one of them. It's a very powerful Grimm, able to take down an Ultra with ease..." She said, smiling at the memory of seeing how helpless Gaia was in the Grimm's grasp. All four of the Grimm grouped together as Salem imagined the endless scenarios of all the Ultras being defeated by them.

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