Moment of Peace

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{??? Kenji's POV}

I opened my eyes, seeing nothingness. There was only an empty void around me. That was until I turned around to see Tartarus again. They had their Blade at the ready to kill me.

As the Blade was thrusted into my direction, I tried to move out of the way, seeing as how sluggish the Grimm was going. Only thing was, I couldn't move anymore.

All I could do was watch the Blade near me. I kept waiting for my inevitable end until from the corner of my eye, I spotted a face which made my heart drop.

Out of nowhere, Aegaeon was running straight to me. They were also going slow, just like Tartarus. Only now did I realize what was about to happen. I tried to tell the Violet Giant to stop, anything to prevent them from going to save me. But nothing happened, my whole body could do nothing but watch the traumatic scene in front of me.

Aegaeon reached me and held their body out in front of me. I knew what would happen next, but I couldn't look away. All I could do was watch as Aegaeon was slowly stabbed through their Life Gauge, the Blade sliding through their body like butter.

Once it was finally over, time finally sped to a normal pace again, letting me move. Aegaeon could only kneel as their breathing got heavy from the attack.

They lifted their head just enough to look into my eyes. I could only cry silently, watching the light begin to leave their eyes.

"I'm sorry," was all I could say as the Giant lost their glow, relaxing their body in a kneeling position as the Blade stayed in their chest, no Tartarus in sight. It was then that I finally blacked out from this whole ordeal, waking up in my room again.

I sighed to myself before sitting up, opening a drawer in my nightstand to see the Agulater. Picking it up, the gem in the center glowed blue and violet, making me let out some tears. I touched the crystal, feeling the warmth of the two.

"You'll live on through us." I stated to the transformation device, not caring if it would go unheard. When I said that, the lights brightened as I managed to muster a small smile on my face.

"Thank you..."

{Akio's POV}

"...The Jetwings will stay at the base for repairs. At the same time, we've been working on the last Jetwing as well as a few other vehicles for RSLV to use." Ironwood said in an interview at Atlas. Me and Glynda were just cuddling together, watching the news in bed.

"And is the crew fine from the battle?" A reporter asked. Ironwood sighed before replying, "Thankfully, the three who were piloting the Jetwings were mainly fine. The worst injury between them all is a concussion, one that they're recovering from nicely." Hearing this made me sigh in relief. I'd be worried if any of them got seriously hurt.

"Will the rest be able to get back into action anytime soon?"

"For now, I'll be letting them all rest until we know when they're good to come back to the field."

"And how will RSLV go on missions now?" The reporter questioned. This got the whole crowd to become quiet as they were wondering this as well.

"I'll be sending a few Atlas troops to deal with the threats, along with a RSLV member to guide them. This way, the team can still work without risking to further increase their injuries." Ironwood answered with.

With that, I smiled from the answer that Ironwood gave before switching to another news channel. This time, it was a local Vale news station.

"-Days ago, there was a huge battle between the Ultramen and RSLV against creatures of Grimm here in Vale. It was a devastating fight, but the warriors of Remnant prevailed!" The news reporter exclaimed. Upon saying this, the screen showed both Gaia and Agul together in our new upgraded forms after beating Tartarus.

"Though, this didn't come without a cost. RSLV is unable to pilot their Jetwings as of now due to their dire need for repairs." Next, it shows images of the two Jetwings which had crashed from Tartarus attack against them. I sighed upon seeing that, knowing that team had been hurt because of me and Kenji. Glynda noticed this and held my cheek, making me look at her.

She looked serious for a second before relaxing, "It wasn't your fault. They chose to help you to protect Remnant. It was their choice to agree to the job, especially with knowing what they'd have to deal with." All I could do was smile from that and give her a tight hug before we both went back to watching the news.

"Some of Vale being destroyed from the crossfire of these two sides." Vale is seen, many buildings were reduced to rubble as well as some parts of the ground being affected as well.

"But not to worry, both the people here and Ultras are helping on restoring it all to its former glory." Both Agul and Gaia were recorded to be helping with carrying the broken Jetwings to Atlas for repairs, slowly rebuilding a building as if it were Jenga, and even filling in the ground with pieces they could find.

"What cannot be fixed however is the loss of a hero. Sadly, to win this grueling fight, one of our Ultra brothers had to sacrifice their life to save the day. That one brother was the Violet Giant, one of which came from the side of Grimm's as some people have explained." The TV shows a recording from a Scroll. Though the quality to it was bad enough to prevent people from seeing me and Kenji, it was just enough to reveal the last moments of Aegaeon as they rushed in front of us to take the Blade into their heart.

"This true Ultra saved these two unknown men at the cost of their own life." The reporter stated. My grip on Glynda tightened a little from hearing this, to which she held onto my hand to comfort me.

The news started becoming inaudible to me as it soon turned to white noise. I slowly pulled away from Glynda, causing her to look at me confused as I grabbed the Esplender from the nightstand. When I turned it around to look at the gem in the front, a red and blue light shined through it before a small violet one appeared between them.

"I hadn't known them for long but... I still considered them a brother, along with Kenji." I told Glynda.

"You know, we all went out to get ice cream on our first meeting together. It felt like we were having a family outing or something. It felt right..." I continued. Glynda just kept quiet to let me rant.

"That's why it hurt all the more when I saw that blade pierce them in the chest." When I finished, a hand was placed onto mine as I turned to look at Glynda.

She held a somber look before saying something, "You can't change what's happened already." I nodded slowly as she continued. "But you can live on for them. Show them their death wasn't in vain and protect the world which they were lucky enough to be born in."

'She's making me fall in love with her all over again...' I thought. All I could do was lean in and give her a kiss. When we broke it, we both smiled together and hugged.

"...Thank you." I finally said as we stayed like that for a while.

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