The Much-Needed Talk and Inevitable Spar

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Bullheads flew through the sky towards a certain castle-shaped academy. At this institute, two people were having a talk in an office. A talk that revealed the future of the world they lived in.

One was the host to the Red Giant, Akio, while the other was the Headmistress of Beacon. "I don't really know how else to explain to you, Glynda. That is genuinely a timeline that has happened." Akio was leaning against her desk while the Huntress sat in a chair behind it.

Just now, he had explained to her the events of the RWBY, from the first volume to the eighth. The details of the later volumes were vague after years without needing to recall any of them.

"But... how did nobody bother to check on the computer? Was it truly that easy for Salem to cause such damage from a computer virus?" Glynda held her head as she tried to understand the influx of information she had received.

"Then the whole distrust between those future Beacon students and James..." A loud sigh came from the woman. "Even with Atlas' technology and the power of a Silver-Eyed warrior, Salem still defeated them." She looked over at Akio, who was just watching her, waiting till she had fully absorbed these future events.

Moving over to her, the Ultra host kneeled by her side and took her hands into his. "Hey, things will be different this time." He rubbed the back of her hands with his thumbs to reassure her.

"Y'got me and Kenji now." Akio smirked with confidence. "We even have RSLV as a defense team to back us up. That wasn't established in that previous timeline." Standing up, he moved away before sitting down in the chair on the opposite side of her desk.

While these factors did reassure her, there was still a shred of doubt in the back of her head. "We also have more threats to face compared to this other world." She brought up, listing the multitude of aliens and monsters that appeared ever since the Ultras had arrived on the planet.

"I'm just... worried. Salem's not our only problem anymore. We have giant monsters sent here from portals. Ones that are familiar to you." Glynda looked at the Hunter with concern all over her face.

"This can't be a coincidence, Akio. I understand that you warned us of this when we first met, but this has happened too many times for it to be a simple coincidence anymore."

A sigh came out of the man. He shook his head before looking at her. "...That's because it isn't coincidence." Leaning forward in his seat, Akio stared at Glynda with a look of seriousness.

"Most of these monsters that pop up come from a singular entity. One who's hellbent on taking down me and Kenji." He took a second to let it sink into her head.

She narrowed her eyes at him as more questions arose in her mind. "You two are the reason why there are giant monsters...?" Akio nodded. After a few seconds of letting her absorb that information, he continued.

"When we first met, I explained that there would be more than just Salem attacking the world, remember?" Glynda watched him lean back in his seat and take out the Esplender. The two lights revealed themselves from the device and began hovering around him.

"Gaia and Agul come from a world that had to deal with this thing. Their world isn't filled with Grimm, Faunus, or even Dust, but they make it by with their own advancements in technology." Interest peeked in Glynda as she listened to Akio's explanation.

"Anyhow, the presence of humanity on this world was something that the entity deemed dangerous for the entire universe. It's meant to be a universal protector, y'know." After a few more seconds, the two lights of Earth returned to the Esplender.

"Long story short, the Ultras stopped mankind's destruction and forced the entity to retreat from its invasion. It was never seen again... Until now." The two made eye contact as they sat there in silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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