What is that...?

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{Forest in Remnant. Still Akio/Gaia's POV}

As I relaxed myself and watched the dust dissolve, I looked around to see if I could find Summer again and help her. I began walking around till I somehow found the area of destroyed trees from earlier and found her there. She was still leaning against the tree but was unconscious.

I was going to wake her up but realized that I could squish her as I was still gigantic. I thought of how I could do anything before I remembered what I could do as an Ultra. I stood up straight before intersecting my arms in front of me which initiated me into shining bright as I shrunk down to human size.

I began making my way to her once I was done shrinking but stopped walking due to hearing quick footsteps approaching me. When I turned around to look what was causing the noise, I saw a figure pass me by before getting in front of Summer and aiming their Scythe at me. Seeing the Scythe and the look of the person made me realize that this was Qrow.

{Earlier when Gaia was battling the Manticore. Qrow's POV}

I woke up to being on the ground, 'Oh Oum... What happened?' I thought to myself as I looked around for anything, only to find nothing but trees either destroyed or untouched. I got up from the ground and picked up Harbinger off the ground as I asked myself, "Did Summer lead that big ass Grimm away? Shit, gotta find her."

When I looked at the direction of destruction that the Grimm made, it seemed to have gotten pretty far as I saw a trail of... Blood? There's a little trail of blood at some parts of this place which followed the path of destruction.

Or did the destruction follow the blood? There could only be one other person other then me here, 'Its Summer's blood. Fuck. Gotta get there soon.' I quickly realized, before taking off in a sprint as I kept looking around for any sign of her.

Thankfully, I was nearing the end to the path of destroyed trees and trail of blood, and then I saw her! Summer! But with something human looking thing walking up to her?

'Whatever that is, I'm not taking chances.' I thought to myself before dashing past it and pulling out Harbinger and getting into a defensive stance, ready to protect Summer from whatever this thing is.

{Back to the present. 3rd POV}

"I don't know what you are, why you're here, or even how, but I'm not letting you near my friend." Qrow stated to Gaia.

Gaia just stood there, staring at him before he slowly put his hands up.

"Uh- What...?" Qrow asked, confused on what this thing was doing. All he got as a response was Gaia slowly walking forward, Qrow seeing this got ready for something to happen.

The Red and Silver Entity walked up to Summer as he stared at Qrow for permission. The Unlucky Huntsman looked at him with a serious look before sighing. "Yeah, she needs help. You gonna help her or something? Then do it, but if you try anything..." Qrow threatened as he held his scythe high and primed to strike down Gaia.

The two stayed there for a few seconds before Gaia went up to Summer and lifted her up, holding her in a princess carry. He then turned towards Qrow and offered her to him. This confused the Huntsman as he just looked at Gaia and questioned what he was doing.

"Oh... You want me to carry her? So, you are here to help us? Not much else to do but accept your offer then. I'll tell you where we need to go." Qrow asked, slowly letting his guard down with the silver and red being as he grabbed Summer's weapon and stored it on his person.

Gaia nodded before handing Summer to him as he started carrying her himself piggyback style while watching Gaia stand back and shine brightly. The Ultra began increasing in size till he got to his max size of 50-meters. Qrow could only look in awe and shock before he stared at the giant in confusion on why it had done that.

Before Qrow could ask however, Gaia had knelt down and laid his hand onto the floor and opened it up, staring at Qrow and then to his own hand.

"You want me on your hand?" Qrow questioned. He was starting to wonder if he actually was drunk and this all was a hallucination or not.

Gaia only nodded, which prompted Qrow to shrug and walk onto the hand before laying Summer down onto it with him sitting next to her. Once they were both on, Gaia kept the hand with the two Hunters near his chest and had extended his other hand and waved it across the horizon.

"Where to go? I'll tell you the directions." Qrow told him. To that, Gaia started floating in the air. This startled Qrow and made him go look over the edge, confirming they were indeed flying now.

"Ooookayy... Guess we're flying now, uh so now the directions I guess?" Qrow said, not wanting to ask questions. Gaia nodded and proceeded to follow Qrow's instructions on where to go for the Bullheads as Qrow looked at his flask.

"Maybe I do drink too much." He said before dumping the remaining alcohol within it off the side of the Ultra's hand. From there, he just laid down and enjoyed the ride while giving Gaia directions every now and then.

{Bullheads near evacuated village. 3rd POV}

The Huntsmen and Huntresses back at the village had already finished evacuating everyone, having double checked just in case and were now trying to contact Summer or Qrow with their report of the situation.

As they were trying to contact them, they failed to notice a giant being flying towards the Bullheads. They had only noticed it once the civilians pointed it out to them as some were already starting to record the giant.

Once seeing the Ultra, the Huntsmen and Huntresses began getting ready for an attack by the giant. Gaia had stopped flying and was now falling down to the ground, landing onto the floor and absorbing the impact with its legs before standing up right again. 

After truly seeing the size of the giant, some Huntsmen and Huntresses lowered their weapons and stared in shock of this giant. Some though were curious of what the giant was holding in one of its hands. As if to answer that question, the giant knelt down and laid the hand holding something on the floor to let a person carrying another to walk off.

The two people were Qrow and Summer! The Huntsmen and Huntresses proceeded to rush towards the two, helping take Summer off of Qrow and bringing both of them to get medical attention. The giant stared at the two for a bit as they were taken away, before looking up to the sky and leaping into the air and flying off into the sky.

After seeing what had unfolded, the Hunters and civilians all had one question,

"What was that?"

(Just casually dropping off the kids, or Hunters in this case, before dipping into the sky. So, we've just seen how normal Hunters and people react to a Giant of Light like Gaia, now let's see what the rest of Remnant reacts to finding out about him)

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