Arrival of the Blue Giant

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(If Gaia is already at Remnant, where's Agul? You're about to find out)

{Back on Earth. 3rd POV}

Its already been a few weeks since Akio's death. Many people went to his funeral, family, friends, and even the people he helped. One of them being Akio's best friend, Kenji Teruhashi.

{At Kenji's house. Kenji's POV}

I sighed as I was looking at an old photo of me and Akio. It was of us side hugging each other and smiling at the camera, Akio had a bigger smile compared to mine because I didn't like showing much emotion which I still don't like doing. Thankfully I've gotten better at expressing more by now. He had bandages on his hands while I was holding a wooden sword.

He always said he wanted to get into something like boxing or wrestling, he never did but he always trained on the side on how to fight. Lots of his learning was gained from real experience which was why he had bandages on, or just things his dad had taught him.

For me, I went to learn how to use swords, mainly a rapier. I preferred using a weapon than to fisticuffs, besides I always worked better with some kind of weapon I could pick up.

It reminded Akio of some character from a Japanese Mafia beat-em-up... Was it called Mafia...? No, GangSTARS? Its at the tip of my tongue, I remember the main protagonist being 'Like a Dragon.'

Anyways, even when he was much more energetic and extroverted compared to me, who's an introvert that is more analytical, we still somehow turned into best friends. He even helped me get a little more social and gain other friends than just him.

Something we both agreed upon was probably the show Ultraman Gaia. Though I wouldn't admit it, I was also influenced by watching Agul fight and use his Agul Blade, a beam of light that acts as a sword for Agul. It only got better when he upgraded which turned it into the Agul Saber, it was strong and made to look more like a rapier.

As I put the picture back down, I walked through the place before settling on sitting down at my rocking chair in the living room. I looked at the wooden sword above the fireplace which was the one that was used in the picture, I still cleaned it which made it look almost brand new, only with a few scratches on it from me using it back then.

With the fireplace still going and the comfortable feeling the chair gave, I laid back into it and let myself drift off to sleep while rocking.

{Somewhere else. Kenji's POV}

I opened my eyes to see nothing at all, have I gone blind or something? I could turn my head around, yet I couldn't see anything around me. Wondering what was happening I tried getting up, only to feel nothing while trying to push off the ground'?' and realizing I was floating in an empty space.

"Is this what astronauts feel like in space? Amazing..." I said, still confused from where I am but also amazed by what its like to experience zero gravity. I just began moving around in this void and try to steady myself.

*Shine sound effect, swirling noises*

Suddenly, a light appeared, brightening and swirling around, like a whirlpool, making me cover my eyes from being blinded. The noises it made sounded familiar to me.

Once it died down and I could see again, I saw that I was face to face with a nostalgic character.

"Ultraman Agul? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

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