The First Invader

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{Timeskip. 3rd POV}

Time passed by as Gaia and Agul gained their own records for their Human Hosts, eliminating most of the suspicion from where they came from. With that done, they chose to continuously help train up their respective halves of Team RWBY.

The two would gradually get more suspicious and concerned on where any of the foreign invaders they mentioned were. Was Noa wrong about them appearing?

The two put that aside and just focused on protecting Remnant for now, while helping RWBY. There was no need to think of a threat which hasn't appeared at all. As of now, the two Ultras were just relaxing in their respective Human Hosts in Vale to gain information and familiarize themselves with the place.

The Rose Xiao Long Family was out in Vale, shopping. Summer and Qrow had already gotten better by now and could come back home. For today, the whole family agreed to spend time by going out as a family.

Weiss Schnee was able to go to Vale by convincing her 'father' that she'd stick close with Klein and her mother... She was too busy getting another wine bottle to drink. Thankfully, after a Scroll call to Winter, she agreed to letting Weiss go only if she had Klein to supervise her and maybe one guard to protect her in case. All Weiss wanted to do was get away from the household and relax out there.

Blake went with her father to Vale to join up on a Faunus Protest. Additionally, Blake would get to see how humans reacted towards them. She'd learn that not all humans hated them, some were indifferent from it or even supported Faunus Rights with them.

Unbeknownst to all of them, a portal appeared from space near Remnant. This would be the gate which allowed a giant lizard with multiple giant crystals on its back to exit through it. The mass would then turn towards Remnant and start flying towards it.

 The mass would then turn towards Remnant and start flying towards it

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{In Vale with the Rose Xiao Long Family. 3rd POV}

"Looks like we have lots to get, thankfully there's a lot of us here so we'll split up alright?" Tai said to the family. Summer took the list from Tai to read out what they'd need.

"Let's see... Cake batter, strawberries, and cookies for me and Ruby..." Summer started to list out, as Tai began sweatdropping from hearing about the strawberry cake and cookies... The amount of baking he had to do for Summer when she got out of the hospital...

"A wooden scythe for Ruby to train with..." Ruby smiled at that as she began pretending that she was using one right now, only for Qrow to stop her by patting her head.

"MMA gloves for Yang to train with..." Yang grinned as she started giving fake punches to her dad. Tai just sighed and smiled as she did. 

"Dog food for Zwei..." Zwei barked in excitement and wagged his tail from hearing that. The daughters saw this as Ruby grabbed him and cuddled him while Yang pat his head.

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