The Sea Swordsman against the Reptilian Monster of the Deep

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{Shoes of Kuo Kuana of Menagerie. Blake's POV}

Once we had gotten a safe distance from the two colossal beings, I watched as the blue giant gained a stance once the Leviathan started to approach them. Others were doing the same thing while my father and mother were trying to keep the rest of the people calm in hopes of being able to get to safety faster. They would occasionally look back at the big creatures fighting, in case either of them would want to do anything to us.

The Leviathan charged at the blue giant and fully committed to its attack, trying to take a bite at them while grappling them with both hands. Unluckily, the giant had dodged to the side and hit the Grimm with a kick to the side of the face which knocked it down. I was amazed by the speed and power the giant had. The Leviathan, a little frustrated from the failed attack would then charge up its Energy Breath before firing it at the giant which made me worry for it...

 The Leviathan, a little frustrated from the failed attack would then charge up its Energy Breath before firing it at the giant which made me worry for it

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{At the shores of Kuo Kuana. Kenji/Agul's POV}

I had seen the beam attack coming and immediately thought up on what I could use to block it, but then I thought, 'Agul never had a barrier while as V1. But he did have a blade...'

I imagined how Agul had summoned the blade in the show before I felt a cool feeling on my right hand. Understanding that I had successfully conjured the Agul Blade, I held it in front of me and made it split the beam in half while preventing it from actually hitting me.

 Understanding that I had successfully conjured the Agul Blade, I held it in front of me and made it split the beam in half while preventing it from actually hitting me

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The creature was frustrated from me stopping its attacks, so it looked around and saw some people who watched the fight in awe. It looked back at me for a second before lunging towards the crowd. As soon as I realized it was going to use the people, I leaped into the air and flew at the Kaiju, slashing it at its side with the blade while flying past it and in front of all the people. The wound I inflicted onto the Kaiju made it stop and hold its wound in pain.

I looked to check if all of them were unhurt. After confirming that they were fine, I returned my attention to the wounded Kaiju. I knew I couldn't just stand there and let it approach me, else it could endanger the people here, so I concluded that I'd just keep advancing towards it to push it away and not let it have any breathing room.

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