Yellow's Search

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{At Junior's in Vale. 3rd POV}

A yellow motorcycle zooms through the streets before screeching to the stop outside of Junior's. The rider took off her helmet as she got off the bike, revealing it to be Yang, before entering the club. Once inside, she briefly looked around the club until spotting the owner of the place, walking straight over to him.

He was having a conversation with another guy before the two ended it and split. The owner was left frustrated from whatever talk he had with the other person as he sat down at the bar. Two women stood near him as he just sat there, staring off into space before noticing Yang walk up next to him. The man quickly ushered the two girls away as Yang went up to the barkeep.

Unknown to either of them, another man walked up to the bar and sat next to Yang. His face was covered by the hood on his red jacket. "I'll get a Kamikaze, with a lime slice instead of the juice." He told the barkeep. After getting his drink, the man quietly drank it as he listened in on what Yang was doing.

"Strawberry Sunrise, no ice. Oh, and one of those little umbrellas!" Yang told the bartender. At that moment, the owner turned to her, "Aren't you a little young to be in this club, blondie?" He asked Yang, earning a giggle from the girl before she retorted back to him, "Aren't you a little old to have a name like Junior?"

"So, you know who I am. You got a name, sweetheart?" Junior questioned her as he stared the girl down to give off an authoritative presence. Yang was unfazed by his attempt and casually replied to his question, "Heh. Yes, Junior, I've got several." She began while walking up to him, "But, instead of sweetheart..." The girl continued as she trailed her finger down his chest before possibly crushing the man's chance at having any children while finishing her sentence.

Beside them, the hooded man couldn't help but feel sorry for what he just heard happened to Junior.

"You can just call me sir!" This action had Junior groan in pain as he bent down to Yang's level. "People say you know everything," She said while quickly gaining a serious tone and pulling out a photo of Raven before continuing, "Tell me where I can find her and I'll let you go."

While the two were having this conversation, the hooded man stifled a laugh, almost spilling his drink.

Between the whimpers of pain, Junior answered her demand, "I've never seen her before, I swear!" This only angered the blonde girl, "Excuse me?!" she exclaimed while making the grip on Junior's... nether regions... to be even stronger. Realizing his mistake, the man repeated his sentence, addressing Yang correctly now, "I swear, sir!"

Seeing their boss in trouble, multiple men, wielding axes, walked up to Yang and Junior to stop what was happening to him. At the same time, the bartender that gave the hooded man the drink also took out his own axe, ready to attack Yang. "Hmm, looks like we have an audience." She teased, "Awkward..." Wanting to get out of this situation, Junior tried warning Yang of what was about to happen.

"Listen, blondie, sir! If you want to make it out of this club alive, I suggest you let me go. Now!" She acknowledges this and let go of her grip on him, allowing the man to sigh in relief. Now free from her grasp, Junior walked to his men, threatening Yang, "You'll pay for that." He walked away while putting on his red sunglasses, with the blondie following.

As they did this, the bartender excused himself as he too began following Junior and Yang. Realizing what was about to happen, the hooded man put the money he owed for his drink before swigging it all down. Once getting up from his seat, he slowly walked to Yang, Junior, and his men.

"Oh, Junior, I was just playing with you! Don't be so sensitive!" Yang said, still teasing him. She walked up in front of him as the two stood in front of each other, now in the middle of the dance floor. "Come on, let's kiss and make up, okay?" She offered him.

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