The Resident of the M240 Galaxy Invades Remnant

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{In Space. 3rd POV}

A portal like the one for SpaceGodzilla appears. From it, a UFO appears through it as the portal closes. While the UFO flies around in the black void of space, it spots a planet before approaching it. The planet it approaches is shown to be Remnant, with the broken Moon revolving around it. The UFO pauses for a moment, before it flies into the atmosphere.

{Weiss' Room. 3rd POV}

It had already been a few weeks since the attack from the Shardzilla (SpaceGodzilla) as the Media called it. Weiss was just lying in her bed, contemplating something. She had seen a man run past her when the Shardzilla crashed in Vale and felt a sense of familiarity from him from just a simple glance of him.

She would continue these thoughts before hearing a noise from outside. She went to her window to get a look, but nothing looked out of the ordinary before hearing the same noise getting quieter as it sounded like it flew away. Confused, she went back to bed and began sleeping, not before hearing someone's feet shuffling past her room...

{??? 3rd POV}

Someone in a white suit is seen, walking into some sort of futuristic room. They seem to be carrying many kinds of Dust before placing them onto a table and leaving. There we see something approaching the table. The body is silver and gray in coloration while also looking like an insect-like creature with pincers for hands. The creature raises its forearms above it's head before raising them up and down whilst laughing ominously.

{Timeskip at the Schnee Manor. Weiss POV}

Its already the next day since that strange noise... I've been doing my usual routine of being taught by my teachers, spent time with Klein, and even contacting my sister on how she was doing. Seems that Atlas was doing a new project. Its about the creation of a team called... Resolve?

Whatever it might be, Winter couldn't go into too much detail. Though she did say she was apart of whatever it is... Now I'm just going to the courtyard and wait for Dad again. Though he is training me in how to use a rapier and sign language for us to talk, I asked father to give me a teacher for them as well just to impress Dad... I hope he's fine with that.

Speaking of father... He was acting a bit strange today. He seemed to space out a bit and was very interested in our Dust for some reason. Even going as far as taking some for personal reasons as he said. Strange, but I don't care for him too much to think about it.

I finally reached the courtyard and sat down at the fountain. I felt my earring that Dad gave me and considered to call him from it. 'But its only for emergencies!' I thought to myself, I still wanted to use it just to see if it would help get him here faster.

Thankfully, I didn't need to use it as he had just arrived, floating down to me as he did. I stood up from the fountain and ran right to him. Just as his feet touched the ground, I leaped into his arms and made him fall down while still holding onto me. It felt right to be here like this with Dad.

Though he's never spoken to me, everything he's done for me is enough let me know that he cared about me as much as I did him. I looked up at him which made me get a headpat from him. I let myself succumb to the comfort from this and began relaxing even more.

Sadly, Dad gently pulled me off and tapped on his wrist to tell me that it was already time to start training again. I suppose I could relax more with him when its done. With that, we began to train again.

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