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Marinette's POV

I awoke with a throbbing headache. Sitting up in my bed, I put my hands over my face, trying to block out some of the bright moon light that was peaking through the balcony curtains. I turned my head when I heard a soft sniffle but I couldn't tell who it was. All I could see was the outline of a body.

"A-Adrien?" I tried to adjust my eyes so I could see who the dark figure was. I thought maybe it was him since I was with him last. I tilted my head to the side as a pair of piercing green eyes looked over at me.
Chat Noir.
I immediately drew my knees to my chest and put my head down, covering my head with my now shaking hands.

"He went home." His voice was raspy and I could tell he was upset.

"How did you..."

"I saw it happen. I asked if he wanted me to bring you home."

"Does... does he know..?"

"Know about what?"

I slowly lifted my head and pointed at my arm. I didn't want Adrien to know I was doing those things. I didn't want anyone to know but... especially Adrien.

"Do you want him to know?"

"No!" I almost shouted, finally looking up at the glowing emerald green eyes. I didn't realize he was standing right in front of me until now.

"Why? Don't you trust him? He is your friend, right?" He sat down at the end of my bed and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know..."

"You don't know?"

I shook my head in response.

"Did you do that?" He nodded towards my arm, making my chest hurt. I knew he was talking about the new cuts that I'd hoped he wouldn't see and he wouldn't have seen them if it wasn't for Adrien grabbing my arm.
I wanted to somehow change the subject.

"Wait. Was you following me?" I finally pulled my head up to look at him. The moon light reflected off of his face and I could see now that he'd been... crying?

"I... no!" He crossed his arms, looking down and away from me.

"But you said that you'd seen it happen"

"I was... I..." He stuttered over his words as if he was trying to find a believable excuse.

"Chat... why were you following me?"

"I just wanted to make sure nothing... happened."

I thought back to what Lila had done but quickly shook the thoughts out of my head.

"I already told you not to worry about me. I can handle these things on my own."

The blondes head snapped up quickly as he furrowed his brows. His green eyes seemed to pierce through me. I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"But I already told you, Marinette. I am going to worry about you. And I am going to do everything I can to take care of you. I don't want Lila hurting you anymore than she already has. Okay?"

"Fine. I can't make your decisions but... but you'll probably regret you ever wasted your time with me. I'm just a useless..." My words were cut off as a hand came across my mouth preventing me from talking.

"You are not useless. And I'm not wasting my time. So, stop with all of that nonsense, okay?"

Tears pooled in my eyes causing me to shake even harder. I didn't want him to see me like this. He probably thought I was weak.
These thoughts made more tears form, causing the previous ones to roll down my cheeks. Chat moved his hand from over my mouth and wiped the tears away.

"Don't cry, Princess. You'll make me cry." I finally looked up at him only to notice the tears in his eyes and at that moment, I realized I was dragging him down with me.
Something in my mind seemed to... click.
I forced myself to stop crying and gave him a sad half smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"You don't have to apologize. It's okay."

"You're not... mad at me?

"Mari, why would I be mad at you?"

I looked down at my arm and back up at him, hoping he'd understand what I was saying.

"I'm not... mad. It just upsets me because you promised you'd tell me."

"How could I tell you? After the other night... you never came back. I thought you were... mad at me for something but I don't know why or... what it is."

"I had... patrol. I already told you that. I wanted to come back but I..."

"Liar! You never had patrol that night."

He looked at me confused, probably wondering how I knew that. I let it slip before I could stop myself.

"How did..."

"I ran into Ladybug. S-Something seemed... off about it." Great, now I'm no better than him about lying.

His eyes widened in shock or... maybe he was surprised that he'd been caught? I couldn't tell.
He sighed in defeat and fell backwards onto the bed.

"It's... complicated. I never meant to lie and... and hurt you. That's the last thing I'd ever want to do." He closed his eyes and frowned.

"Why did you lie to me? You don't want me lying to you and you always want me to trust you and talk to about things but... if you lie to me about everything, I can't. I can't do any of those things."
I already knew why but I didn't want him to know that.

"Because! I can't tell you the truth, okay? It'll mess everything up." He sat up and glanced over to the desk where the pictures were originally laying.

"Right. It'll mess everything up." I repeated his words and nodded my head as if I understood but I actually didn't. I didn't understand why he couldn't just tell me that he liked me. Of course, I don't like him back like that but at least it would be off of his chest.

I didn't realize it was the same way with Adrien. I didn't want to tell him out of fear of rejection. Maybe that's how Chat felt.
I also didn't want him thinking I liked Adrien. What if he told him? That would be so embarrassing.

"Hey, Chat? While you're here... I need help with something?" I pulled myself out of the bed and went to my desk, pulling out one of the pictures. I had the perfect idea.

"This is Adrien Agreste."
He looked at the picture confused for a moment and then nodded.

"His... birthday is coming up in a few months and... I want to make him something. I was hoping the pictures would help with the measurements but they... they don't. Could you maybe... somehow get his measurements for me? It'd be weird if I asked him and would probably give the surprise away."

A smile crossed Chat's face and he nodded.
"Yeah! I can do that."

I smiled back at him and put the picture of my future husband... I mean, Adrien down.
"Thank you, Chaton."

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