Sweater Weather

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Marinette quickly walked until she reached the side walk. Normally, she would've been devastated over what Adrien said, but she wasn't.
In fact, she felt nothing. Everything seemed... numb.
Her expression was blank and her eyes were dark. She didn't care. She was tired of caring. She was tired of... everything.
Everything around her seemed to become blurry as she blocked everything out. That was until a hand grabbed the back of her shirt, yanking her backwards until her back hit the ground.

She stared up emotionless at the brown haired girl that stood over her with a glare.

"I heard what Agreste said. I heard everything. And now you see that I'm right. He didn't mean it, because he doesn't care. He will never care about you."

Lila glanced down, noticing a small part of the bandage that wrapped Marinette's arms. It was poking out the end of her sweater sleeve.

"What is this?" She smiled evilly and grabbed her arm violently.
"Cuts, huh? So you're trying to get attention now? You're such an attention whore! Too bad no one cares though. Trust me, the only way you'll get anyone's attention, is if you kill yourself. But it'll be too late then. And you know... they probably won't even show up to your funeral."

Her smile faded when she realized she wasn't getting a reaction from the girl laying on the ground. Marinette stared up at the sky trying to ignore her but that was merely impossible. Especially when she felt nails digging into the almost healed cuts on her arm.

"I hate being ignored, Marinette." She spit her name out as if it was nothing. Marinette screamed in agony, feeling the excruciating pain that bolted through her arm. It was almost like an electric shock.

"Why are you upset? You wanted attention, no? That's what I'm giving you." She kept her smile, giving her arm one last squeeze before letting go and quickly leaving the scene.

Marinette laid on the cold ground not wanting to move. It was starting to get dark and since she was still on the school premises, no one was around because it was after school hours. Dark red blood trickled down her arm making a small pool around her fingers. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't. The cold air made her wrist numb so it wasn't hurting as much but she knew if she moved it, the feeling would probably return.

After what felt like an eternity, she managed to sit up. Her back ached, probably from hitting the ground so hard. She didn't have to see it to know there was a bruise there. She pulled herself to her feet knowing she couldn't go home like this.
If my parents see me... She shook her head at the thought and started towards the river.
She went to the only person that would help her without pushing her to tell them what happened.

When she reached the house boat, she started second guessing her idea.

Will he think I'm only here for attention?

She closed her eyes at the thought, sighing. Marinette put her hand on the small railing of the bridge that connected the boat to the land as a sharp pain raced through her back making her hand grip tighter on the metal rail. She knew she wouldn't be able to make it home, and that she'd be better off asking Luka for help.

She made her way through the first door which, surprisingly wasn't locked. The blue haired girl slowly made her way down the steps which led to the hall where Luka and Juleka's rooms were. Her breath caught in her throat as she raised her hand to knock on the door. Before she could knock, the door swung open.


"L-Luka..." Her voice trembled as she started to shake. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and her body was taking everything in all at once.

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