Reoccurring Dreams

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Adrien's POV

As much as I wanted, I couldn't go back. I couldn't go back to the bakery because I was still upset. Even after the conversation with Ladybug. I was still wondering what to say. I detransformed and plopped down on my bed, staring at the ceiling above me.

"You're not going back?" Plagg questioned as he threw a piece of camembert into his mouth.

"No, I want to but I'm not." I rolled over to face the small kwami and frowned. Before I could say anything else, my phone lit up and made a small 'ding' noise. I hoped that it was Marinette but to my disappointment, it wasn't. I mean, why would she message Adrien anyways? And at this hour? I sighed, looking down at the name that came across my screen.

Heeey, duuude! Sorry to message so late but Alya told me some of our classmates were meeting up at Juleka's place tomorrow afternoon. They're having karaoke and other stuff I guess. I don't know if you can come but I wanted to invite you anyways

"They're having a party?" I ran my hand through my blonde hair and smiled a little.

Hey! Thank you for inviting me. I would love to come with you guys.

Your dad is letting you come?

I thought for a moment, thinking of an excuse I could tell my father so I could go. I knew he wouldn't let me go if I just asked him.


I'm still figuring that part out, but I will definitely be there! 

Cool, dude!

I put my phone on the nightstand, and stared up at the ceiling again. I hoped Marinette would be there. I think it would get things off of her mind and I know it would definitely get things off of my mind. I closed my eyes and finally drifted off into a deep slumber.

There she was again. This time she was closer and I could see her tear stained face.

"Marinette?" I called out, but she wouldn't look up at me. She kept mumbling but I couldn't hear exactly what she was saying. I reached out and tried to grab her hand but my hand slid straight through hers. My eyes widened fearfully as I then saw she looked transparent.

"Marinette! P-Please, look at me!" My voice cracked a little as my eyes filled with tears.

"No! You're a liar! Adrien, I hate you!" She yelled, finally lifting her head to look up at me. The look on her face, along with her words nearly broke me.

"What're you talking about? Mari..."

"Just... hush! Okay? I don't want to be near you! Leave me alone!" She started to back away from me as dark clouds covered the sky and rain slowly started to fall.




I slowly opened my eyes, only to realize I'd been crying in my sleep. The 'rain' I felt was tears falling and rolling down my arm. What are these dreams?!

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was 5:45am. Sunrise wasn't until about 6:00am. The sky was dark blue and I could still see a few stars from my window. I sighed and pulled myself out of the warm bed.

A feeling of guilt was trapped in my chest. I could hardly breathe but it wasn't unbearable. I sluggishly dragged myself to the bathroom and turned the water on. I stripped down and climbed into the shower. I figured I'd get an early start since I probably couldn't go back to sleep anyways. I shivered as the cold water hit my skin. The words of Ladybug ran through my head again. I wanted to talk to Mari about this, I just didn't know how. I wasn't good at these types of things.

I didn't realize how much time had passed, but by the time I'd finally gotten out, the sun was up and the streets were starting to get busy. I got dressed in my usual outfit and grabbed my phone, going down stairs to find my dad. It was the weekend so maybe he didn't have anything planned for me today. I knocked on his office door until I heard a, "Yes?" I closed my eyes for a moment, mentally trying to prepare myself for what I was going to say.

"Father, I was wondering if I could go to Nino's house, to uh, study for an exam..." I looked down at the floor, afraid to look up. Of course it was a lie.

"I suppose you can. Be back before it gets dark though. I have a meeting to attend to and I don't want you out while I'm not here."

I looked up, surprised with a smile. "Thanks, father!"

I turned and closed the door behind me and hurried outside. I knew it was still early, but whenever I got the chance to leave by myself, I took it. I pulled out my phone, messaging Alya.

Good morning, do you know if Marinette will be at the party?

A few minutes later, I got a message.

She will be there! I texted her last night about it. You're coming?! How'd you get the 'okay'?

Well, I'm actually going to Nino's to study ;)

Adrien! You lied?! Omg!

I laughed at her message and rolled my eyes.

It's only lying if you get caught.

Whatever! I'll see ya later.

I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked to the park that wasn't far from Juleka's. I could see them already setting things up on the house boat they lived on. I sat down on a bench under a tree and closed my eyes, taking in the fresh air. It felt good to feel free, but not alone. I thought back to what Marinette told me. About how she didn't want to be alone. I knew that feeling.


I thought out loud as the memories of the dream flooded my mind again. I wonder what it meant. If it even meant anything. It was hard to not think of it. I can still picture her face in my mind, how broken she looked and the words she said,

I hate you

I hate you

I repeated those words in my head trying to put the pieces of the dream together, as well as to figure out why she seemed to hate me.


Hey guys!

I'm still going back and fixing things so just hang in here with me for a bit! Still trying to update at least once every week as well, hopefully more.

And just to clarify, they -Chat & Mari- are not dating. (yet *cough*)

I don't want to cause confusion within these next chapters because of that.

I will hint at the next chapters though! I think the only hint you guys need is, Luka. :)

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