Movie Night

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Marinette added three new cuts as she wrapped her bandages once again. The blood was starting to seep through the previous ones. She decided not to go to school today because she didn't feel like dealing with Lila, so she stayed home. She couldn't help but question herself. Why was she doing this? Was it because Lila was right? Had Marinette finally given up?

Lila's words burned through her mind so much that Marinette finally had enough. She balled up her fist and threw a punch at her bathroom tiled wall. She instantly regretted it as the pain struck through her arm like a lightning bolt. The tiles broke, leaving a large crack in the wall. Some of the tile fell, shattering to more pieces as it collided with the floor. When she pulled her hand back, the skin on her knuckles had already started to bruise and bleed. One thing about being Ladybug, was that she'd gained muscle that she didn't have before. Had she really just left a small hole in the wall?

She cleaned her hand and slipped on a sweat shirt, deciding to go for a walk. On her way out, she grabbed the book that sat on the corner of her desk. She promised Master Fu that she would read it when she got the chance and that was almost three months ago.

Marinette passed by her favorite café and the magical smell of coffee drew her inside. She ordered her favorite latte and sat down at a small table in the corner, the one she always sat at. She knew the book and a coffee could get her mind away from all of the negativity. As soon as she got comfortable and took a sip of her latte, the door of the café swung open rather quickly.

Marinette glanced up at the person, making eye contact. She quickly put her head down, attempting to hide behind the book. She heard the chair in front of her scrape the floor and the plop of a body sitting down. "Marinette, I know you seen me."

She peeked over the book, her face turning a slight shade of pink. Marinette closed the book and gently placed it on the table. "O-Oh! Adrien! Hey! I saw you d-didn't there. I mean, I didn't see you t-there!" He tilted his head to the side and crossed his arms over his chest. It was a very obvious lie. "You weren't at school today."

"I-I'm uh... sick! Y-yeah. I'm s-sick." She laughed nervously as she picked up her latte awkwardly, placing it to her lips and taking another sip.

"You don't look sick."

"Just b-because I don't look sick, d-doesn't mean I'm not." She muttered quietly, trying not to stutter. It wasn't all a lie, she was sick. Sick of herself.

"Well, here's the work Mrs. Bustier assigned us." He slid a folder of papers across the table with a smile. "When your parents told me you weren't there, I called Alya and she told me to check here."

"Thanks, Adrien." He nodded and stood back up, pushing his chair under the table. "I wish I could stay and chat but I have a photoshoot today. I'll see you at school Monday, right?"

Marinette nodded hesitantly. "Great! Bye, Marinette." She watched as he left the café with a sigh. She definitely wasn't expecting to see him. Was she dreaming? She shook her head and picked the book up, flipping to the page she'd left off at. The thought of Adrien caring made her smile.

Marinette decided to go on patrol tonight. She swung through the streets of Paris, landing on a tall building. It had a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. The sudden drop of feet landing behind her, had her whipping her head around quickly. When she realized it was just Chat Noir, she smiled.

"Hey M'lady." He took a seat beside her with a smile. She could tell something was bothering him but she didn't want to pry. "Hey kitty. What have you been up to?"

"Just studying for an exam. And you?" Chat Noir laid his body back, studying the stars the shined above them. "I guess the same. School has been kicking my butt lately." Chat Noir laughed quietly. "I can say the same here."

"I'm surprised we haven't had any akuma attacks lately. Do you think Hawkmoth finally gave up?" Chat Noir questioned, turning his head to face his partner. "Doubtfully, it would be a miracle if he did."

A bit later, their conversation was cut short. Ladybug reached up, touching her earrings softly as they beeped. "Well, it seems as if it is my time to go. I'll see you later, Chat Noir." She stood up, swinging her yo-yo. "See you later, M'Lady."

Ladybug fell through her trapdoor, landing on her bed as she called her transformation off. She was glad tomorrow was Saturday. That meant she got to sleep in without having to worry about anyone bothering her. Just as she started to doze off, a knock landed on her trap door. She groaned as she got up to push it open. "Do you realize what time it is?" She looked up at achat Noir who's smile turned to a frown. "Did I wake you?" Marinette sat back down and shook her head. "It's fine, is something wrong?" Chat Noir climbed through the door and landed softly in her bed as he held out a pink flower. "I just thought I'd bring you this."

Marinette deadpanned as she took it. "Thanks but, you came here to give me a flower?" Chat Noir rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Possibly? I saw it and thought of you." Marinette smiled and held it to her nose, smelling the sweetness it released. She knew where it came from, which also meant she knew he was lying since it came from her flower box on the balcony. But tonight, she didn't bother to question it. "Thank you. That was very thoughtful of you." Chat Noir had a toothy grin as he sat down with his legs crossed.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" Marinette pointed to the laptop that laid at the end of her bed. "Sure!" She leaned past him and grabbed it, pulling it to her lap. "What do you want to watch?" Chat Noir sat deep in thought while Marinette opened it and signed on. "Lion King?" Marinette tilted her head to the side as a laugh escaped. She hadn't watched that movie in ages. Chat Noir just sat in silence as he watched the bluenette. "Wait, you're being serious?!" Chat Noir nodded and peeked around the laptop to see the screen. "Yes! I find that movie very interesting."

When he saw his photo - or Adrien Agreste's photo - as her background, he scrunched his nose up. "Is that Adrien Agreste?" Marinette's face reddened as she pulled the laptop back towards her. "So what if it is? I like fashion and he's the son of a fashion designer. It's how I get my inspiration. Mind your own business, Chat Noir." She grumbled as she pulled the movie up and patted the spot beside her. "Hurry up, it's starting." Chat Noir moved to sit by her so he could see the movie. Within five minutes, she was asleep.

The next morning Marinette awoke to the light of the sun shining in from the open trapdoor above her. And next to her, was something - or rather - someone laying beside her. Her face reddened as she remembered that Chat Noir stayed. She couldn't believe they had slept together though. She held a hand over her eyes as she shook him with the other. "Chat Noir! Wake up! You're detransformed and it's morning already!"

The boy groaned as he sat up, yawning. Realization hit him when he noticed he wasn't in his room. "I must've fallen asleep. What time is it?" Marinette turned around so she couldn't see him and checked her phone. "Uh, it's 12:00pm. Can you transform again so I can open my eyes?"

"Oh, sorry. Plagg, claws out!" Marinette saw the flash of green light up the room as she turned to face him. "I detransformed last night after you fell asleep. I didn't think you'd wake up anytime soon. I was going to leave but it was getting to the best part of the movie! You know, where Scar practically kills Mufasa?" Marinette shook her head with a smile. "I assume you fell asleep after that?" Chat Noir nodded. "Yeah, I wasn't planning on it. I think I fell asleep listening to, 'can you feel the love tonight?' " Chat Noir sung the last part and Marinette couldn't help but laugh at his terrible singing.

"I better get going before my father notices that I'm gone. I'll see you later, Marinette. Thanks for the movie night." He smiled as he pushed himself up through the already open balcony door and leapt off.

Marinette smiled as she climbed out of bed. She wouldn't mind having movie nights more often with him, even if they did both fall asleep.

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