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Marinette was late to school.
She ran down the hall and slipped into her chair before Ms. Mendeleieve saw her.

"What's your excuse this time?"

Alya whispered quietly with a grin on her face.

"I forgot to set my alarm."


Marinette shook her head 'yes' as Ms. Mandeleieve turned to face the students.

"I will be taking up homework now so have it ready as I come by."

Marinette sighed and pulled out her Physics paper only to realize it had been finished. She started to glance over it as she noticed it wasn't her handwriting but it was too late as the teacher practically ripped it from her hands.

"Thank you."

Marinette grumbled to herself as she watched her take up everyone else's work.

"Turn to page 103 in your textbooks and read over it until I finish grading these papers."

Everyone grumbled as they flipped to the page that she instructed. A few moments of silence passed until the teacher groaned, catching the attention of her students.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste. Come here, now!"

She glared at the two as they both made their way down to her desk, confused.

"You both have the same answers. Not to mention, it's the same handwriting on both papers! If you are going to cheat, at least do it properly. Principal's office, now!"

Adrien and Marinette's eyes widened as they were pushed from the room. The door slammed behind them as they both turned to face each other with blank expressions.

How was Adrien supposed to explain this one?

"How did you- I was with you the whole time and I didn't see you with-"

Adrien shrugged with a nervous smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you into trouble."

"I-It's fine."

She tried to remember what happened last night but her mind was racing as they walked down the hall.

She remembered Adrien leaving, she started her homework, and then woke up when she heard her balcony door close.

Her face paled and she felt sick as she could only come up with one conclusion.

But that's impossible, right?

Of course it is.


Marinette sat on her bed with her diary open to a blank page. Her pen hovered above the line as she couldn't bring herself to write down her thoughts.

A knock landed at her balcony door making the blue haired girl smile.

"Come in."

"Afternoon, M'Lady."

"Hi, minou"

He sat down in front of her with his legs crossed as he peaked over her diary.

"What are you writing?"

"Nothing yet."


"Because you're distracting me."

"Is it my good looks?"

He held his arm up, flexing his muscles and making Marinette dead pan.

"You wish."

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