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Adrien's body seemed to have a mind of it's own when it came to Marinette. His feet started moving closer to the door, each step growing faster and faster until he was running.

When he reached the door, his whole body froze as he saw what was happening.

His eyes landed on the bed first, where he expected her to be. But in her place laid pools of blood.

Then he noticed the chair he had sat in the day before. It was turned over on it's side beside her bed.

"Miss. Dupain-Cheng, please! We're trying to help you. Please put down the..."

Everything sounded muffled as his eyes reached the girl. She stood in a corner, shaking violently as the nurses approached her.

"I-If you come any c-closer I-I'll..."

Then he noticed what she had in her hand. It was something sharp but he couldn't make out what it was.
She held the object to her throat pressing it firmly against her skin. It wasn't enough to make her bleed, but if she pressed down any harder she would.

His heart nearly stopped when he saw the girls arms.

'Did she cut herself again?
No.... those aren't cuts.
The IV is missing. She must have...'

"You're not supposed to be here, sir."

He was snapped from his frozen state when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"B-But I need to see her. I have to..."

"I'm sorry I can't let you... HEY!"

Adrien ducked under the woman's arm and pushed past the other nurses. He didn't care if he got in trouble. He didn't care about anything other than his lady.

When Marinette's glossy blue eyes met Adrien's, she froze, letting the small pair of scissors fall to her feet.
Adrien practically jumped over the chair that was attempting to barricade her from the others and instantly grabbed her, pulling her into a tight hug and closing his eyes.

The adrenaline finally wore down as his knees went weak, causing him to fall to the floor with the crying girl in his arms. He could sense the nurses gathering around them and he knew they would try to take her away very soon.

He opened his eyes, confirming that his senses were right. He didn't want them to take her but he knew she'd be better off if they did. He didn't want to risk her hurting herself again.

But he also knew where she would go and the thoughts of not being able to see her anymore...

'Agreste! Stop being so selfish. This could be a life or death situation.'

He turned towards the nurses with a look of worry and sadness. He knew what was best for his princess. His grip loosened a bit as he turned back towards her.

"Marinette... you need to go with them, okay?"

"W-what? N-n-no! Adrien I..."

"Listen to me, it's for the best. They are just trying to help you."

She pulled out of his arms and looked at him with disgust.

"You're just like them! I can't believe you!"


"No! Y-You're lying! Just... stop!"

She sat back down on the floor, pulling her knees to her chest and resting her back against the wall, making the helpless boy's heart ache in sadness.


Adrien kneeled down and put his hand under the pale girls chin but she pulled herself away again.

"Marinette! P-Please, look at me!" His voice cracked as he tried to speak. Tears pooled in his eyes. He hated seeing her like this, it broke his heart.

"No! You're a liar! Adrien, I hate you!" She finally looked up at him with a red, tear stained face. She clearly wasn't in the right state of mind.

But then it clicked.

' The dream...'

His face went white as he stood up and backed away. He felt sick, like he could throw up or pass out at any minute. He knew he needed to be there for her but he couldn't.
He couldn't do anything but watch as the nurses pulled her off of the ground and out of the room as she screamed and cried.

And then he was alone.


His uneven breathing was the only sound that filled the room.

And then he fell.
The blonde haired boy fell to the ground almost emotionless.

He was angry, upset, and confused.


Plagg's voice was filled with worry as he searched desperately for the right words to say. He sat on the floor in front of Adrien.

"Maybe we should go an..."

His words were cut off by the blonde who was now looking down at him.

"Plagg, claws out."

"Adrien, no-no-n"

The little black kwami pleaded as he was pulled into the ring once again. He knew Adrien was in no state to be transformed. Not only could he feel it, but he knew how this went down with his last holder.

It nearly killed him.

It nearly killed everyone.


This chapter is a bit shorter than my others! Sorry about that, I'll try to make it up in the next one.

We're having finals this week so I've been balancing studying and writing at the same time. But I'm managing!

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