The Truth, Part 2

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Marinette sat on her bed, fidgeting with her fingers. Chat Noir sat on the other end of her bed, rubbing his arm nervously. He kept taking short glances at the girl who sat across from him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it again. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to make excuses to save himself, he wanted to tell her the truth. But he didn't know how.

~ flashback

After class started back, Marinette just decided to go home. She couldn't handle everything that happened and she had so much to process.

After Marinette left, Adrien sat alone with Plagg. He felt better but this wasn't how it was supposed to go. This wasn't how he pictured the reveal. It wasn't... right.

"Will a slice of Camembert make you feel better? It always makes me feel better."

"No, Plagg. I don't want your Camembert."

Plagg frowned and landed on his shoulder.

"Why don't you just go to her as Chat Noir after school? Explain to her how you felt and why you avoided her. I'm sure she'll understand."

"And say what, exactly? Oh hey, Marinette. I can't be around you anymore because every time I see you or even think about you I get a boner? No. I'm not saying that."

"You don't want to lie to her, do you?"

Adrien groaned and covered his face in his hands.

"I don't know. I should've been honest with her from the start. I shouldn't have left her."

"Well obviously you shouldn't have left her. That was kind of dumb of you, kid."

"Wow, thanks a lot Plagg. That's helpful."

"I'm glad I was of help. But seriously, kid. You need to make up with her because you'll lose a good opportunity."

"What do you mean?"

"Her parents are bakers! We will never run out of cheese!"

Adrien deadpanned and rolled his eyes.

"You're going to turn into a piece of cheese if you keep eating it so much."

"I'm perfectly fine with that. Then I'll love myself even more!"

Plagg giggled as Adrien shoved him back into his shirt pocket.


Marinette finally broke the silence as she looked up at the green eyed hero.

"You can... de-transform if you want"

Adrien knew it was okay since Marinette knew who he was, but he felt more confident as Chat Noir so he shook his head and looked up at her.

"I'd rather stay transformed for now."

Marinette nodded and looked away.

"You said you wanted to talk to me about what happened?"

She tried her best to not be an awkward mess around him.

"Y-Yeah. I never meant for you to feel that way. I never wanted you to relapse again. I shouldn't have left like that without giving you an explanation."

Marinette nodded her head quietly agreeing with him.

"I don't want to give you some lame excuse but the truth is a little... embarrassing."

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