Au Revoir

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Marinette's eyes shifted around her room. Her hands shook slightly as the nervousness and anxiety crept in.

She was so excited about going to college in America, that she forgot she'd be alone. She wouldn't have Adrien, Alya, or her parents. She wouldn't know anyone.
What if the people she had classes with didn't like her, or what if she got lost?

She put her hands over her ears, trying to stop the internal screaming until a hand landed on her shoulder, jolting her from the madness.

"Honey, don't overthink it. I know you'll do just fine."

Sabine's smile was full of positivity and encouragement as Marinette turned around, wrapping her arms around her mother.

"I'll miss you so much, maman."

"I'll miss you too, dear but we're only a phone call away. And as much as I want you to finish your education, if for any reason you don't think you'll be able to, you can always come back home."

Marinette smiled and hesitated before pulling away from the warm embrace.

"I love you, maman."

"I love you too, honey. Now, let's get you to the car. You have an hour left before your flight takes off and your friends are waiting for you outside."

Marinette nodded as her mom pulled her from the room. She took one last glance at the surprisingly well organized room and shut the trap door.

"For your trip."

Tom held out a bag of assorted pastries to his daughter as his expression quickly changed.

"We'll miss you so much! I can't believe my little baguette is growing up so fast."

He wiped a single tear from the corner of his eye as Sabine took his arm.

"You'll still visit on American holidays, right? And call us...?"

"Tom, dear, she might be busy."

"No-No! I'll try to call as much as I can and I'll try to visit every chance I get."

She leaned forward giving both of her parents a tight hug and nervous smile.

When she finally pulled away, her grip tightened on the bag in her hands as she turned to the door.

"You got this, sweetie!"

Sabine cheered her on as she closed the bakery door behind her.

Marinette let out a shaky breath as the car sped down the road. She was squished between Adrien and Alya who were both hanging on to each of her arms for dear life. Nino sat in the passenger seat eating a bag of chips as Emilie drove them to the airport.

When they pulled into a parking spot, they all got out and shuffled inside.

When it was time for her to board the plane, Alya wrapped her arms around the girl tightly.

"You better keep in touch! Fill us in on all the details of everything!"

"I will, I promise."

She smiled, slipping a small red and black box into her best friends hands.

"What's this?"

"If anything happens while I'm away..."

"I got you, girl!"

"Please take care of Tiki for me."

"I will."

She held up her phone and pulled Marinette in for a picture as they both smiled.

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