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Adrien yanked the large suitcase over a step as he headed towards the parked car. He pulled the door open and put it inside. He could hear the crunch of gravel under boots as someone approached him.


The blonde turned around, seeing Luka stand behind him. They weren't exactly on good terms anymore since Luka explained the whole incident to him. He respected Luka for telling him but he was still upset. So for the rest of their stay, he avoided him as much as possible. Any time he'd see him talking to Marinette, he'd walk over, take her hand and pull her away without saying a word.

"Kitty Section is going on tour and I wanted to invite you to come along and play in a few shows. I was told that you weren't planning on going to college and I figured since Marinette would be in New York you wouldn't have anything to do and-"

"Already got plans. I'm helping her parents with the bakery."

Adrien started to walk away as Luka spoke up again.

"Adrien, I want to fix this. I'm trying my best but I can't when you won't-"

Adrien rolled his eyes and shot a glare at him from over his shoulder.

"Look, if you want to fix it, leave me and Marinette both alone."

"But I-"

He closed his mouth when he saw Adrien tense up. He knew that was his cue to stop. He was pushing it too far and didn't want Adrien to hate him even more than what he already did. He sighed, looking away from the blonde.

"Fine. The offer is still on the table if you change your mind, you can still join us."

Luka didn't expect Adrien to turn around with a half smile. He was usually good at reading people but he couldn't tell if the smile was fake or not.

"I'll keep it in mind, thanks."

And then he realized why he smiled. He caught a glimpse of dark blue hair heading their way on the other side of Adrien. He wasn't smiling at Luka, he was smiling at her.

Luka nodded and carried himself to his car to avoid any more conflict. Sliding in the seat, he let out a long breath as he watched them from the rear view mirror.

Marinette stood on her tippy toes as she planted a chaste kiss on the boy's cheek. In return, he wrapped his arms around her waist with a wide smile.

Adrien said something to Marinette, making her look in the direction of Luka's car. Even though she couldn't see him looking due to the very dark tinted windows, he still looked away.

A few moment later, a tap arrived at his window. He looked up, shocked to find Adrien standing there with his arms crossed.

Luka rolled the window down as Adrien looked away from him.


"Three. I'll play at three venues but that's it."

He rolled his eyes but caught the wide grin forming on Luka's face out of his peripheral vision.

"You changed your mind!"

"Marinette said that Rose told her you guys would be playing close to where she's going to college next month. That's the only reason I'm agreeing to go."

He finally looked down at Luka with a deadpanned face.

"Thanks, Adrien. I hope we can get back on decent terms."

"Yeah. Sure. I'll see you later."

"I'll text you the details of the tour later!"

Luka shouted behind Adrien as he walked away from the car. Adrien only threw his hand up in return. Luka rolled his window back up and glanced back into his mirror. He could see Marinette smiling as Adrien got in the car.

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