The Truth

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Marinette sat at her desk, twirling her pen between her fingers. It had been nearly a week since she last saw Chat Noir.

Her face reddened as that night replayed in her head, making her pen fly from her hand. It hit the blonde that was sitting in front of her, in the back of the head.

She sunk down into her seat and looked away as he turned around, trying to figure out who threw it but he had an idea as Marinette's face gave it away. His face turned a shade of pink as he quickly turned back around.

Adrien and Marinette were both on awkward terms. She thought it was because they got paired up together but it was actually because he couldn't face her without getting a boner.

"Rose and Kim, you two are up first. Marinette and Adrien, you two are next."

Rose and Kim quickly made their way to the front to present their poems.

~ small flashback

Marinette pulled her hoodie to her chin as she sat down next to Alya.

"Girl! What did you do?"

"W-What are you talking about?"

Alya poked one of the marks that she failed to cover up.

"Who was it?"

"No one!"

"I'm not letting this down, Mari. Those are clearly marks on your neck."

She pulled Marinette's hoodie down. A gasp escaped the brunette's mouth as Marinette covered it quickly.

"Whoever it was, they tried to suck the life out of you!"



"Marinette and Adrien, you're up! Nino and Sabrina, you two are next."

Marinette shuffled her way to the front, followed by Adrien. They stood next to each other stiffly. Marinette's shoulder gently brushed Adrien's, making him choke on air.

Marinette started, and then they both took turns reading each part.

"This is our poem, it's called 'What Makes Us Human?'"

Adrien cleared his throat as he took his turn.

"Is it the way we breathe?
The air around us that we take in
And then gradually let out-"

"Is it the way we see?
The way someone glances at the eyes of their loved ones
With nothing but tenderness-"

"Is it the way we feel?
How your heart shatters into a million pieces
Knowing forever won't be forever-"

"Is it the way we touch?
When the snow falls on your fingertips as it melts
Into your skin with a tingling sensation-"

"Is it the way we speak?
As every 'hello.' we say
Ends with a, 'Goodbye.' -"

"Who are you?"


The class clapped as they handed their paper to Miss. Bustier and took their seats.

~ flashback

Adrien couldn't help but take small glances at the bluenette. He couldn't focus clearly so he thought staying away from her would help but it was nearly impossible since they were partners.

Adrien got to class late the day after. He slid in the seat beside Nino and tried his best to focus.

"Dude, you look like you had a rough night. What's up, man?"

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