Flour Fiasco

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Marinette slipped an apron over her head and tied it behind her back. She handed one to Adrien and watched as he turned in circles, trying to tie it behind his back.

"Do you need help?"

He stopped trying and walked backwards towards her.

"Yes, please."

She laughed, tying the two strings behind his back. Her hand brushed over his shoulder blades accidentally, making her face turn a light shade of pink.

She never realized he was so built.
Or the smell that lingered on his shirt. It didn't smell like the cologne he usually wore, but it smelled good. She smelled it before but couldn't place a pin on where she smelled it.

'Marinette, get a grip of yourself. You're not in love with him anymore.'

She closed her eyes and sucked in a shaky breath.

"All done!"

She put her hands on her hips and turned to the table confidently reading over the orders.


He peaked over her shoulder, reading the orders himself.

"Let's make the macarons first, cake second and the éclairs last?"

Adrien nodded his head agreeing with her since he really didn't know what he was doing, he decided to let Marinette make all the decisions.

"Will you get the almond flour and sugar? I'll get the eggs and the rest of the ingredients. Make sure you measure everything out right"

She handed Adrien a measuring cup and went to get her ingredients. Adrien looked down at the measuring cup that she pushed into his hands and back to her, confused. He didn't know where anything was. He didn't even know there was a such thing as almond flour. He thought all flour was the same.

"Uh... Mari...? Where's the almond flour and sugar at?"

"In the flour sack beside the freezer, sugar is on the other counter."

He looked down at all the different types of  flour sacks by the freezer and frowned.


"To your left, it should say almond flour on the side"

"R-Right. Thanks"

He scooped out some flour and then went to the sugar, scooping that out as well.
Baking was something he wasn't good at but he wanted to learn since he was never taught. It wasn't something he didn't like doing, he just didn't know how.

They mixed the ingredients together and piped them out onto a baking sheet. She let Adrien slide them into the oven and showed him how to set the temperature and timer.

"I can get the ingredients for the cake!"

Adrien excitedly bounced up and down like a small child with a toothy smile.

"Alright. Here's the recipe."

The blonde looked over it quickly and went to find the items. Marinette held her hand to her mouth, giggling. She'd never seen this side of Adrien and she thought it was cute.

But then someone crossed her mind and it made her feel a tang of jealousy.

'I wonder where Chat Noir is or... what he's doing. I wonder if he's hanging out with another girl. What if he likes her?' 

Marinette put her hand to her forehead and closed her eyes. Her thoughts were quickly interrupted when she heard a loud crash behind her. Adrien sat on the floor with a bowl of flour poured over his head. The bowl hung over his blonde hair making it appear white.
He peaked out underneath the bowl, looking up at the girl. Marinette's cheeks puffed up as she tried to hold her laughter in.

"A-Are you okay?"

He shook his head 'yes', his face turning red in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry. I slipped."

Marinette couldn't hold it back any longer, she bursted out into a fit of laughter, making Adrien laugh too. She held her hand out and pulled him off the floor.

"I like your new hat"

He smiled, reaching up and lifting the bowl
from his now messy hair and gently placing it on Marinette's head.


White flour covered her blue hair, making Adrien laugh.

"I think the hat looks better on you."

"No, no. It looks much better on you. Maybe you should have a modeling session with it on."

"Shoot! I have a modeling session today. I completely forgot about it."

Marinette pulled the bowl from her head and watched as he pulled the string behind his back, taking the apron off.

"I'm so sorry, Marinette. I really wish I could stay longer."

She could hear the pain and guilt in his voice as he spoke.

"It's okay, Adrien. I completely understand. I can finish the orders on my own, it's no big deal."

"Thanks. I promise I'll come back when I have more time and we can bake something again. Just think of this as a rain check."

He dusted himself off but still had small traces of flour on him.

"O-Okay. Bye!"

He quickly ran from the bakery and to the park where his photographer was impatiently waiting for him.

Marinette grabbed a broom as she began to sweep up the mess and finish the orders when the door opened, signaling the small bell.

"Welcome to..."

Her words caught in her throat when she looked up and saw who it was.

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