The Project

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Marinette had just slipped her shirt off as she heard a knock on the door.

"Mari? Can I... come in?"

"J-Just a minute!"

As soon as the words left her lips, the door opened making her gasp. She held her shirt tightly to her chest, trying to cover herself up.

"Chat! I said-"

He didn't let her finish her sentence as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to him, kissing her deeply, not thinking twice about it. He waited for her to pull away but instead, she kissed him back.

Her hand traveled behind his neck and to his hair as he gently picked her up and sat her on the edge of the sink. Her other hand had a death grip on the shirt that she somehow still managed to clutch to her chest.

She took in a quick breath, The smell of his cologne was almost intoxicating.

Chat Noir pulled away, making the girl gasp for air again as his lips traveled down her neck, leaving a small dark mark as if to show she belonged to him. His hands found their way to her back, tracing over the small hook on her bra but before he was able to unhook it, her phone alarm started going off, making them both jump.

They both stared at each others flushed faces before he broke the silence.

"I-I'd better h-home so I go can to c-class"

His face flushed even darker as he stumbled over his words, trying to form a proper sentence.
Instead, he pointed towards the door, gave her an awkward smile, and quickly left.

Marinette ran up the stairs with her backpack over her shoulders. She was almost twenty minutes late to class. She would've been on time if she hadn't of sat on the sink trying to process everything for almost an hour after Chat Noir left.

On the other hand, Adrien was slumped down in his seat as Miss. Bustier finished up the roll call. He was worried about Marinette, she wasn't there yet.

Was she okay?
Did he scare her?
Did he make a mistake?

Those thoughts filled his mind as more followed.

'Did I take advantage of her?'

He put his head down, feeling a sudden sting as the sound of his forehead hitting the wooden table echoed through the room causing his classmates to look his way.

Miss. Bustier was about to ask him if he was okay as the classroom door swung open. Marinette gave her an awkward smile and hurried her way to her seat.

Alya smiled as the bluenette sat beside her. She slid a notebook to her that was titled, 'Notes For M.' Marinette gladly took them and quietly thanked her as Miss. Bustier went over the assignment.

"Today we are starting a new lesson. You will each get into groups of two and create a poem. You have until next Tuesday to finish and present them!"

Rose raised her hand,

"Can we choose our own partners?"

"Not this time, I will assign you all partners.
Rose, you can be partners with Kim. Juleka and Nathaniel. Chloe and Max. Sabrina and Nino. Alya and Mylene. Adrien and Ivan. And... Lila and Marinette!"

A few groans filled the room. Chloe slammed her hands on the desk, standing up.

"This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Me and Sabrina always work together."

"I'm sorry, Chloe. No changing partners."

"Just wait until my daddy hears about this!"

Marinette froze and Adrien turned around quickly to look at her. He could see the fear in her eyes. He glanced up to Lila who had a nasty smirk on her face.

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