The Book

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Adrien jolted awake when a hand touched his shoulder.

"Adrien, how long have you been here?"

The blonde haired boy looked up at the large man with a mixed expression.

'How long have I been here...?'

Adrien repeated the question in his head, confused. His eyes widened in realization as he frantically looked around until his eyes landed on the unconscious girl.
The monitor beeped steadily, a wave of relief washing over him.

"Are you okay?"

A lady appeared beside the man. She seemed worried for the boy. He had dark circles around his eyes and his face was red.

Adrien nodded tiredly in response.

"I... I don't know how long I've been here, I..." his voice trailed off quietly.

"It's okay, dear. I'm just glad to know my daughter has friends who care about her." She smiled sweetly, holding her hand out towards him.

'I knew they looked familiar-' Adrien thought to himself. 'They're her parents. Tom and Sabine.'

He took the dark haired woman's hand, standing up.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cheng."

"No, no. Call me Sabine."

They both shared a smile before Sabine turned towards her daughter.

"Alya tried to visit but they wouldn't let her. She was really upset about that. But we were told that her cousin had already came to visit." She smiled, knowing that Adrien lied his way in.

"I-I don't normally lie, Mrs. Ch... I mean, Sabine. I was just w-worried about her." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck, hoping they weren't mad at him.

"We don't mind. As I said before, we are both happy that she has wonderful friends. But don't you think you should go home and get some actual rest?"

Adrien looked down at the floor. He knew she was right, he couldn't stay there all day. Visitation hours would be over in about an hour and a half. He'd been there all day.

"Is it okay if I come back tomorrow?"

"You can come whenever you would like."
Tom smiled widely when Adrien asked.

"Thank you! I'll... be going now."
He took one more look at Marinette and quietly left.

As he walked slowly down the streets of Paris, he started to realize just how much Marinette meant to him and in a way, she kind of reminded him of his mom.


He could name off so many more reasons.
Adrien smiled to himself as he took his time. He didn't want to go home yet.

His mind shifted to the dream he had. The one of Marinette dying. It seemed way too realistic. He wondered why he kept having so many of these vivid dreams.

Maybe his biggest fear was losing someone he loved again. If he lost Marinette, he didn't think he could take it. Or... anyone for that matter. He'd already been through so much.

He found himself outside of the cafe he'd met Marinette at a while back. It was almost as if he could picture her sitting at the table reading the book that she seemed so deeply interested in when he found her. He smiled at the thought but couldn't help to wonder what the book was or, what it was about.

'Maybe I could find it to see what she was reading?'

He ordered a hot chocolate and croissant and then went to sit at the same table she'd sat at. He was lost in thought when the waiter brung him his food.

"Aren't you that dude from the perfume commercials?"

He snapped out of the thoughts, looking up at the guy.

"I-It's cologne. Not perfume?"

"Same difference. Aiden, right?"

"Uhm... no. Adrien."

"Adrien! That's right. Your that rich guys kid?"

Adrien deadpanned and sunk down into his chair.

'Rich guys kid. Of course he'd say that.'

"Yeah. I am. Why?"

"Just wondering! Didn't think I'd ever get to meet a celebrity." The guy smiled awkwardly, before quickly walking off.

Adrien rolled his eyes and sipped his hot chocolate. He hated this kind of attention. It was annoying.

When he was finally done, he decided to go find the book Marinette was reading. Of course it was in her room, or he hoped it was.
Her parents should still be at the hospital so he had time.

After he left, he found a place to hide and transformed.

'A hero breaking and entering. How ironic.'

He laughed, thinking of what would happen to him if he was caught. That would most definitely cause a scene.

He landed softly on her balcony and pushed on the door.
It was locked.
He thought a moment, determined he was going to get in.

"It's a bad idea but... cataclysm!"

He poked the small lock, disintegrating it immediately. He clearly didn't think this through but in his head, it was a good idea.

He pushed it open, climbing inside. Her room was dark and cold. It felt empty and lonely without her here.

He turned on her desk lamp so if her parents came back, her whole room wouldn't be lit up and he could turn it off quicker.
Chat Noir started at her somewhat cluttered desk. He quickly searched for the book that he could clearly remember was titled, ' The Book Of Love.'

It was probably something dumb and boring but looking for the book gave him an excuse to come here.
To feel closer to her.

He stopped suddenly, his heart dropping when he saw something move only to realize it was his reflection in a mirror. He sighed, looking at himself in the black leather suit.

'What am I doing? I shouldn't be here...'

"Claws in" He whispered quietly, making the whole room light up in green. He caught his kawami in his hands and then shoved him away, into his shirt pockets.

He laid down on Marinette's bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Kid, what are you doing here?" Plagg poked his head out.

"I came to find a book."

"A book? Seriously? I don't think that's the real reason you're here. I can smell your lies almost as clear as I can smell Camembert from a mile away."

Adrien sighed and closed his eyes.

"I just want to be close to her."

"Now we're talking! Come on kid, spill."

"Plagg... I think I like Marinette."

Plagg grinned widely but then it quickly faded.

"Wait. Are you about to say you just like her as a friend or...?"

Adrien let out a soft laugh and rested his arm over his face to hide the embarrassment.

"What I'm about to say is... I think I like her more as a friend."

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