Lake House

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Marinette stared out of the car window, watching the trees pass by. Her eyes were getting heavy until the car hit a hole and bounced.

The bounce made her smack her head against the glass. She gave Adrien an annoyed look as she rubbed the red mark with the palm of her hand.

"S-Sorry. I didn't see it there."

He chuckled, turning his attention back to the road.

He somehow managed to talk his mother into letting him borrow the car for the trip. She was hesitant at first and made him get his driver's license before they left but finally agreed.

Marinette was about to rest her head to the side again but paused when the faint view of a house came into sight.

It was a dark gray house with a wrap around deck. The side that faced the lake had large windows that looked out over the water.

Marinette's eyes widened as they pulled into the driveway. It was a lot bigger than she'd expected it to be. But then she noticed the other vehicles that were parked outside.

Adrien opened his door and walked around to Marinette's side, opening her door for her as well. He noticed her confused look and frowned a little.

"I thought it was only supposed to be us, Alya and Nino..."

"I guess they invited more people?"

Marinette took in a deep breath and slid out of the car. They went around and grabbed their bags, heading inside.

"You're here!"

Alya met her friends at the door, giving them welcome hugs.

"I can show you the room you will be staying in and then you can join us in the living room after you get unpacked if you want."

"That would be wonderful"

Marinette smiled, as they followed behind Alya. Her eyes glanced around the house, excitedly. It was beautiful on the outside but on the inside, it was gorgeous.

"I thought you said it was going to be just us?"

Adrien spoke up as they reached the room on the second floor.

"It was, but we thought it would be more fun if we invited more people. I forgot to tell you."

Adrien nodded his head and pulled the small suitcase into the room.

"I didn't realize the lake house was this big."

Marinette was still in a bit of shock as Alya laughed.

"I didn't either until I saw it."

She turned to leave before looking over her shoulder at the two.

"I'll see you guys in a few"

She smiled and closed the door behind her.

After Marinette and Adrien unpacked their things, they went downstairs to join the rest of their friends.

Their other friends sat on a large couch in the large living room while a few of the others sat on the floor.

"Hey! About time you two showed up."

Kim smirked, taking a sip of the drink he had in his hand. Everyone else's attention turned to Marinette and Adrien after Kim practically announced their arrival.

Marinette gave everyone a small wave as she pulled Adrien along with her to take a seat on the floor.

A little while later, Nino poked his head inside the door and motioned for everyone to come outside.

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