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Marinette walked down the empty streets of Paris. She knew they wouldn't get busy until later in the morning. The cold wind burned her cheeks as she kept her pace. She seemed to be in a type of trance because she didn't even notice the car that landed a few feet in front of her until she ran into it.

She shook her head and looked up at the car that was turned over on it's side. It took her a moment to realize what was going on. She didn't notice the dark figure that approached her from behind until something cool crept over her entire body. It was different from the cold air. It almost felt as if a ghost passed through her. Her whole body shivered as the figure vanished and her bright blue eyes turned dark.

Adrien awoke to the sound of his alarm. It read, 7:00am. He pulled himself up and got ready for the day. Of course, he had school.
Plagg was sitting on the table in front of Adrien's computer screen, watching the news.

"Nadja Chamack live here. Paris seems to be in a sort of distress. Fires are breaking out all over the city and everyone seems to-"

The screen went dark as Plagg rolled his eyes, hoping Adrien hadn't heard it, but he did.

"Plagg!" Adrien grumbled annoyed.

"Whaaaat? Can I not have one decent day of rest?"

"No! Not when there's an akuma attack. Plagg, claws out!"

The little black kawami grumbled as he was pulled into the ring. Adrien jumped from his window and onto a nearby rooftop. He froze as he stared over the almost demolished city of Paris. All of the people were creating havoc. He couldn't even locate the akumatized victim. It was as if everyone was against each other.

Chat Noir snapped out of his shock when he spotted something at the top of a three story building. He moved from building to building until he had a clear vision of what it was... or rather, who it was.


The words slipped out of his mouth as the girls body fell from the rooftop. He tried to move fast enough to catch her but was too late. The last thing Marinette saw was Chat Noir's horrified expression before her back collided with the pavement.

Chat Noir didn't know what to do. He pulled her into his arms and gently shook her, trying to wake her up as blood covered his dark suit. He couldn't help but tremble in fear as he checked her pulse. It was faint, but he felt it. He knew he had to get her to a hospital quickly.

Chat Noir bursted through the hospital doors, holding the almost lifeless body. Luckily, the hospital was still there but there was no one inside. He took her to a room and laid her down on the hospital bed.

"I... I have to find Ladybug. She can fix this... I don't want to leave you but I have to find her." He whined, giving her hand a squeeze before running back out to find Ladybug.

Tikki flew out of Marinette's purse that still hung from her side. When she saw the condition of her miraculous holder, she felt a wave of sadness wash over her. She knew she had to do something, especially since Chat Noir couldn't defeat the akumatized victim by himself. She sadly pulled the earrings from Marinette's ears and went to find the only other person who might be able to help.


"You want me to... what?"

"Marinette is in danger, Alya! I know it's a lot to process but you're the only other person I could think of to take on this task. Please!"

"So, let me get this straight. Marinette is... Ladybug and you want me to save Paris because she's..."

"Unconscious! Yes! We have to hurry, take these!"

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