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Marinette dropped onto her knees behind the counter. She hoped the brunette that just walked in hadn't seen her.


Lila sung her name out in a taunting way. She slammed both hands down on the counter above her as Marinette pressed her back against it, trying to go as far back as she could.

"There you are."

Marinette looked up at her, fear filling her eyes. Lila smiled devilishly and grabbed the top of her hair, yanking her up.
Lila suddenly released her hair when the bakery door opened.

"Marinette? We're back."

Her parents looked between the two girls, confused.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. I wanted to come over and help Marinette get caught up with some school work. I hope that's okay?"

She innocently looked between the couple, hoping they hadn't seen the incident.

"I actually have to help my parents with some orders-"

"No-no, honey. Go ahead. We can manage the orders ourselves. You go back to school tomorrow so it'll be good for you."

Marinette felt a pain of nausea run through her body along with anxiety. Lila grabbed her wrist and pulled her up the stairs of the apartment.
When they got to Marinette's room, she shoved her to the floor and crossed her arms with a smile.

"So, trying to gain attention from attempting suicide? Too bad it didn't work."

Marinette sat up and rubbed the side of her leg.

"Why'd you do it, Marinette?"

She spit the words out harshly, poking the girls side with her shoe only to get silence in return.

"Not talking, hm? I guess I'll have to make you talk then."

The brunette grabbed her by the hair again, forcing her to look up.

"Why did you do it?"

Tears stung Marinette's blue eyes as she stared up at the girl.


"Because why? I think you just wanted attention. But you should be happy that you got your way because the entire school is talking about the girl who tried to kill herself. You should feel honored."

She leaned down so she was inches from the girls face.

"Everyone feels sorry for you now."

Lila harshly pushed Marinette away as she let go of her hair. She kicked Marinette underneath her rib cage causing the girl to groan in pain.

"Don't think this will get any better just because of what you did. If anything, you just made things worse for yourself."

Marinette attempted to stand up but Lila connected her foot with the girls, making her fall again.

"Is everything okay up there, girls?"

Lila glared at Marinette, daring her to say the wrong thing.
Marinette sucked in a deep breath and tried to stop the shakiness of her voice.

"Everything's f-fine! J-Just tripped..."

Lila smiled, knowing she now had full control over the girl.

"Okay! Just making sure."

Sabine frowned, going back down to the bakery.

"Something doesn't feel right, Tom."

"I'm sure she's fine, honey. Lila seems nice."


Sabine glanced towards Marinette's door and frowned.

An hour had nearly passed. It was full of insults and physical violence. Lila finally decided to leave the poor girl alone. She grabbed her bag and left.
Marinette laid on the floor unable to move. Her body ached and her head was spinning. The soft trickle of blood escaped her nose leaving a red stain on her pink sweater that covered the dark bruises that were starting to form on her body.
Tears escaped her eyes as she closed them tightly. The only sounds that filled the room were her silent sobs and the soft tapping on her balcony door.

Wait... a soft tapping on her balcony door?

Marinette forced herself up into a sitting position. She could see a dark figure behind her light colored curtains as she tried her best to stand.

'I can't let him see me like this.'

She grabbed the side of her chair and sat down again, her ribs felt like they were being crushed with each breath she took.

"J-Just a minute..."

She groaned, forcing the words from her mouth. Why did he have to visit at a time like this?

She heard her balcony door open and shut again and quickly tried to clean the stain on her shirt, forgetting that the blood was still around her nose.

"Marinette? I'm coming in. I hope that's okay?"


She got the words out as soon as Chat Noir seen her. She tried covering the stain by crossing her arms against her chest.

"H-Hey, Chat Noir"

She gave him a nervous toothy smile, trying to hold all of the pain in but he could clearly see straight through her.

"Marinette... who did this to you?"

He walked towards her, putting his hand underneath her chin, gently lifting her face up so she was looking at him.

'This must've happened after I left.'

There he was again, blaming himself for something he thought he could've prevented.

"N-No one! W-What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about. I'm serious, Princess. Who did this?"

A shiver ran down her back as she stared up at him. She could hear the seriousness in his voice and it bothered her. She wanted to tell him but she was afraid of the consequences.

Would he be mad at her for letting this happen?
Would he confront Lila?
Would it only make things worse?

No... Chat Noir wasn't like that. But... what if? She didn't want to lie to him so she kept her mouth sealed. But then she noticed something on her floor from the corner of her eye. It was Lila's hair band. It must've fallen out before she left. The hero noticed her looking to the side so he glanced that way and saw it. He dropped his hand to his side, and started towards it to examine the object.


Marinette thought. She pulled her knees to her chest and buried her face between her arms and legs, peeking out at the blonde who was now holding the hair band.

"It was Lila, wasn't it?"

His voice was soft as he spoke but she could still tell that he was upset.
But he was far from upset. He was fuming. He was a bomb that could explode at any moment.

"When was she here?"

"She just left a few minutes ago"

She mumbled the words out almost inaudibly.
He shook his head and clenched it in his fist.

"I'll be back."

"Wait! Chaton!"

She held her hand out, reaching for him and trying to stand as he jumped from her balcony.


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