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Marinette woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache. She could barely remember what happened.

She sat up in the bed, instantly regretting it as her stomach twisted. She tried to hold back the nauseous feeling that was forming in her stomach.
Adrien opened his eyes and loosened the grip he had around her when he felt her sit up.

"Feeing okay?"

Marinette looked down at the blonde who was still somewhat clinging onto her.


She threw her hand over her mouth, jumping up and bolting to the bathroom that was connected to their room. Adrien was quick to follow as he kneeled beside her, pulling her hair back and looking away as she retched.

When she finished, he helped her stand back up.

"I'm never... drinking again."

Adrien chuckled and turned the shower on.

"Try taking a hot shower, that might help? I've never had a hangover before but I-"

His words were quickly cut off as a rapid knock landed on their door. They shared glances with each other before Adrien went to see who it was. When he opened the door Alya pushed past him, taking his place and shooing him out. She closed the door behind him and went to the bathroom where Marinette was.

"Girl, get this!"

She held her phone up with a picture of Kim and Chloe practically eating each others faces. Marinette let out another gag as Alya laughed, pulling her phone back down.

"You missed so much, girl! Chloe left this morning with Sabrina because she was so embarrassed. Kim left after her and a few others as well."

Alya shrugged, scrolling through her phone at the many pictures she didn't remember taking. She paused for a moment as her eyes scanned over another picture. She turned back to Marinette.

"Do you... remember anything?"

"Barely... I don't remember a lot."

Alya looked over her shoulder at the closed door to make sure Adrien hadn't come back in.

"I don't know when or how this happened but..."

Her voice trailed off as she looked back down at the picture displayed on her phone.

"But? Did I do something embarrassing?"

Marinette's eyes widened at the many thoughts that crossed her mind.
Alya sighed deeply before turning her phone to show Marinette the picture. She gasped, the sick feeling quickly returning. Her face paled even more as she took the phone from Alya. Her hands shook violently.

"When did-"

Her words caught in her throat as the door swung open.


~ flashback

Marinette laid on the pillow for nearly an hour unable to do as Adrien said. She glanced beside her, seeing the blonde in a deep sleep. Her head was beginning to ache so she decided it wouldn't hurt to get a glass of water from downstairs.

Adrien was asleep anyways.
He wouldn't know.

The loud music filled her ears as she went downstairs which made her head throb even more. Most of the group was still dancing or... attempting to at least. A few of them sat on the couch, deep in conversation.

Marinette wasn't as drunk as she was before but she still wasn't fully sober yet.

Someone bumped into her making her stumble forward, running into someone's chest. Out of habit, she mumbled out an apology but the words were muffled as someone pressed their lips to hers.

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