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Marinette slid the makeup brush over her neck, trying to cover the freshly made dark marks that were scattered along her neck and collarbone as Adrien stood beside her, fixing his beautifully golden hair.

"Does this look okay?"

He turned towards the blue haired girl with his hair slicked down, making a giggle erupt from beside him.

"I think it looks very nice. You look like your cousin, Felix."

Adrien paused mid way into combing his hair and pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Are you saying you think Felix looks good?"

"I mean, he looks nearly identical to you."

Adrien rolled his eyes and shook out his hair so it wasn't nicely fixed anymore.
The last thing he wanted was to look like Felix.

When Marinette was finally satisfied with her makeup, she smiled at herself in the mirror.
Adrien brushed his hair out again, deciding to go with his usual style.

The blue haired girl pulled her hair into a bun and slid a clip through it to make it stay in place as she excitedly went to her closet to find her graduation outfit.

She slipped the pink dress over her head and walked backwards to Adrien with a blush.

"Could you zip the back for me?"

He smiled, placing the brush on the counter and turning back to her. His hand brushed over her skin as he slowly pulled the zipper up.

She turned around to face him as he rested both of his hands on each of her arms. They both had a small blush as Adrien leaned in to her lips. He stopped before their lips touched.

"You look stunning, Marinette."

He quickly gave her a kiss and pulled away as her breath caught in her throat at his words.

"T-Thank you"

She looked away before backing out of the bathroom with an awkward smile.

"I-I'll be stairs down"

"Stairs down?"

Marinette shook her head, getting even more embarrassed as he chuckled.

"Down stairs. I'll be d-down stairs."

She grabbed her shoes and closed the door behind her taking a deep breath. She still couldn't understand why he had that affect on her. She thought she stopped stuttering around him a long time ago.

Adrien joined her a few minutes later at the bakery. They shared breakfast together and made their way to school.

Marinette let go of Adrien's hand as Alya ran up to her, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Can you believe it! This is our last day!"

She squeezed Marinette's arms as Nino joined them.

"Alya, don't suffocate the poor girl. She'll be like, dead before she gets the chance to go to New York."

The three of them froze as Nino slapped his hand over his mouth quickly. Marinette's face went pale as she looked dead at Adrien. Alya kicked Nino in the shin. If looks could kill, Nino would've dropped dead in only a matter of seconds.
Adrien looked at Marinette confused, even though he already knew. He had to pretend as if he didn't know.

"You're going to New York?"

Nino slowly moved his hand away from his mouth.

"For college, you didn't know?"

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