Shadow Of Mine

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Adrien's POV

It was snowing lightly as I silently landed on her rooftop and prepared myself. Mari wasn't a normal girl. She was different and I honestly loved that about her. I slid down to her balcony and tapped on the door. She slid it open with a huge smile on her face which seemed... off.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. It was warm and cozy.

"Do you want some hot cocoa?" She asked, holding out a medium sized mug.

"Sure, are you okay?" I took the mug and tilted my head. That phrase was an everyday thing now, it seemed. She nodded.

"Wait!" She gasped and turned away for a second, digging through her closet. She pulled out a dark green box and handed it to me. I opened it and pulled out a black beanie with a small green cat print on the side.

"So your ears won't get cold"
She smiled and leaned onto the table next to her. I smiled in return, putting it over my ears. It was very nice.

"Thank you! It's very warm and soft."
I stared down at her for a moment, looking into her blue eyes. They reminded me of the ocean.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure! I'll get some popcorn"

She practically ran down stairs to the bakery. Being the nosey guy I am, I glanced around her room, noticing some pictures that seemed to have fallen over... or maybe they were placed like that on purpose? I picked one up and turned it over. I stared at the very... very familiar picture of Adrien Agreste. Why did she have pictures of me? Thoughts raced through my mind until one stuck in place.

She liked Adrien. She liked Adrien before she liked Chat Noir. And even though we're the same person, she doesn't know that. Chat is a second choice. I will always be second, even to ladybug. I always have been and I always will be.
I frowned and turned the picture back over, feeing nauseous. I contemplated if I should leave or not.

"I hope it's okay if we share a bowl?"
I glanced up, seeing Mari holding a big bowl of popcorn.

"I should... actually go. I forgot that ladybug wanted me to patrol tonight. I just remembered. I'm sorry, Princess."

"O-oh. Okay, then. I guess I'll see you later?"

"Mhm! Sure."

I gave her a small smile and left through the balcony as always. I felt bad for leaving but I couldn't stay.
When I reached my place, I threw myself on the bed.

"Claws out"
I sighed, turning my head to the side as the small black kawami flew out and landed beside me.

"You okay, kid?"

I shook my head and sat back up.

"You know... the only reason anyone likes my civilian self is because I'm a model. They don't like me for me, Plagg. I just want someone to see the real me. I feel like I'm always trying to make everyone else happy but I'm not happy myself."

"I see the real you. And I think Marinette sees the real you too. She fell for Adrien, and now... maybe she's falling for Chat Noir. If you think about it, she fell in love with you twice. But just because she has pictures doesn't necessarily mean she likes you. Maybe she's just inspired. After all, she is a designer and you're a model. Not to mention your dad having his own brand."

"Yeah but it's still not the same. It's not even real proof that she likes me."

"Well, didn't you like Ladybug before Marinette?"

"I guess..."

"And she rejected you multiple times so you finally decided to move on. Marinette is your second choice."

I was starting to get annoyed but I knew he was right. I just hated how everyone saw and fell for the fake me. My father molded me into something he wanted. Not what I wanted.
I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Don't you have patrol, kid?"  


"So you lied to Marinette?"

"Look, Plagg. I had to get out of there. I was upset and needed space. I might go on patrol anyways though. Maybe I'll run into ladybug. Maybe I'll ask for advice and she'll know what to do. She always knows what to do."

"Whatever. I would still rather rest and eat Camembert instead." Plagg groaned and rolled his eyes.

"I know but it would make me feel better. Plagg, claws out!"

"Wait! But I haven't finished my Camem-"

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