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"Sir, Adrien's teacher called and said he didn't show up to class today."

Gabriel sighed and shook his head.

"Have you checked on him?"

"He's not in his room, sir."

Nathalie gripped onto the clipboard in her hand and frowned.

"Where is he?"

Gabriel started to raise his voice as he clenched his fist together.

"I-I don't know... sir. I haven't seen him since yesterday after I picked him up from The Dupain-Cheng's bakery."

"Well, find him! Start there and don't come back until you have him with you."

"Yes sir."

Nathalie quickly left the Agreste Mansion to find Adrien.

Gabriel went down to his lair and awaited the perfect moment for a victim that he could akumatize.

The small bell above the door rang as Nathalie walked in.

"Good evening, Mr. And Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. Is Adrien here?"

"We haven't seen him. Is something wrong?"

Sabine walked around the counter with a worried look.

"We haven't seen him since yesterday. I thought he may be here. If you see him, please give me a call."

She held out a business card as Marinette came down the stairs. She suddenly stopped when she saw Nathalie. She glanced behind her, making sure Adrien wasn't following her.

"Marinette, have you heard from Adrien today?"

Sabine turned towards her daughter as Nathalie stood quietly.

Marinette looked back and forth at her mom and Nathalie. She didn't want to lie but she didn't want Adrien to get into trouble either so she had to lie.

"U-Uh... no?"

Nathalie turned to leave but stopped and turned back around.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"I w-wasn't feeling well."

"Very well. If you hear from him, please let us know."

Before her hand could touch the door handle, a voice behind her made her stop again.


She looked back again to see Adrien standing behind Marinette. When he saw her, his face paled.


Sabine and Tom both looked at each other, confused.

"Adrien. The car is waiting outside. Your father is upset."

Adrien looked down at Marinette with a frown.

"I'm sorry. I'll see you later, okay?"

Marinette nodded as Adrien sent a glare to Nathalie as he walked out of the bakery.

"We didn't know he was here, we are very sorry."

"It's fine. I understand that kids can be... difficult sometimes. Thank you."

After she left, Tom turned to Marinette.

"Why was Adrien here? And why did you lie to her?"

"I... he..."

Marinette shook her head and ran to her room. She couldn't answer her father's questions honestly. She closed the trap door behind her and ran to her balcony. She watched as the car pulled away from the bakery and headed in the direction of the mansion.

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