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Marinette laid in the warm bed, listening to the tap of rain on the roof. It was followed by the sound of rumbling thunder that echoed throughout her room. She didn't want to start her day. It was almost lunch time and Marinette refused to get up.

She laid in bed for another 20 minutes before the smell of fresh croissants started to linger through the room. She groaned and pulled herself from the comforting sheets, finally deciding to get up and face the day even though she felt terrible. After she got ready for the day, she found herself downstairs in the bakery. "Morning, maman. Morning, papa." Marinette smiled as her mom handed her some neatly wrapped orders. "Good! You're awake. Could you please drop these orders off for me? Here's the list of addresses."

Marinette sighed with a nod. "Sure! I'll be back soon." She put them in a waterproof box and grabbed an umbrella. "Be careful, sweetie!" Her mom called out as she left the bakery. She loved helping out her parents but hated delivering orders. Especially in the rain.

Once the last order was delivered, she started to walk back to the bakery. She halted to a stop when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, Marinette. Slaving around for your parents, I see. I guess that's all you're good for, yes?" She grabbed the umbrella from her hands and tossed it down. "Slaves don't deserve umbrellas." Marinette grumbled as she pulled away from Lila. "I'm not a slave, Lila."

Lila smirked and crossed her arms. "Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better." The bluenette reached down for her umbrella, it was seconds away from her grip before Lila shoved Marinette onto the ground. "I think the mud suits you better, Marinette. Not some silly umbrella. Wait a minute..."

Lila reached down, picking the umbrella up and looking at the name imprinted on the handle. "Gabriel? You have a Gabriel Brand umbrella?" Her expression changed from confusion to anger as her knuckles turned white from gripping it so tight. "Where did you get this from, huh? I know you can't afford something like this."

She threw it back on the ground and rolled her eyes. "You're not worth my time." She stomped off as thunder rolled across the darkened sky. Marinette pushed herself up, watching after the brunette. She wanted to transform and take her out very badly. It would be easy as Ladybug. But she couldn't... she was a hero. Not a villain. She wasn't Lila, and as much as she wanted to, she couldn't.

Marinette trudged off back to the bakery, soaking wet. Her parents had left a note explaining that they had some deliveries of their own that they had to take care of. She slipped her wet shoes off and went up to her room, fixing a hot shower and hoping she wouldn't get sick.

When she got out, she slid the razor against her skin again. The words of Lila pounded against her brain with each cut. Why was this happening to her? Tikki sat on her shoulder as she wrapped the bandages. "Marinette, I don't think this is a good idea."

She looked at the kwami's reflection in the mirror as she frowned. "I know but... I deserve this. I deserve all of this." Tikki shook her head and flew up to her holders nose, nuzzling against it. "You don't! You're Ladybug! You're strong and..."

Marinette shook her head as she cut the little red creatures words off with her own. "No, I'm supposed to be strong. Everyone expects me to be. But... I'm not. I'm really... not..." She put the razor away and cleaned her mess. "Plus, a few cuts won't hurt anything. It's not like I get hurt from fighting villains, anyways."

Tikki sat in silence, knowing it was somewhat true. Yet, Ladybug had a valid reason. Cutting was just an excuse. It was completely different. Two different things.

She watched as Marinette pulled her homework out which was unusual. Marinette always waited until last minute to do it and she didn't even have school tomorrow, it was still the weekend. Tikki hated seeing her holder like this. She was changing and it wasn't for the good. It was far.... far beyond good.


Short chapter because I've been very busy today. Sorry guys! <3

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