Thunderstorm, Part 2

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Marinette's hand stiffened in the blonde boy's hair.

"There was an a-akuma. It was... an accident."

"I don't think it was an accident."

He stared up at her with his emerald green eyes.

"It doesn't matter now, it already happened. It's over. Just... let it go."

"But I can't let it go. If it wasn't an accident, I don't want it happening again. You have so many people who care about you. Don't let Lila's lies pull you under."

Marinette sighed and looked down at him. She had to tell him the truth.

"It was partially an accident. I was going to do it on purpose but after I got up there and changed my mind, it was too late. I don't remember exactly what happened but I do remember seeing you above me before I hit he ground."

"Oh, Princess."

He sat up and wrapped his arms around her, making them both fall over. He nuzzled his face into her side, making her blush.

"Please don't think of doing that again. I really can't bare the thought of losing someone so precious."

Marinette rolled her eyes and tried to pull out of his arms as another roar of thunder filled the room making him jump and grip onto her tighter.

"I won't, I promise. Okay?"

"And if you ever feel the need to hurt yourself, tell me?"

"I'll tell you. Now can you please let go?"

"But I like being close to you!"

"I have class tomorrow, I really need sleep. You should probably go home and-"

"No! I want to stay here with you! Please!"

Marinette groaned in defeat. She knew she'd feel guilty if she made him leave. Especially since it was storming outside.

"Fine. I'll fix you a spot on the sofa."

"No! I want to sleep with you."

Her face reddened as he peaked up at her with pleading eyes. Marinette's heart beat quickened, almost taking what he said the wrong way.


She managed to pry herself away from his death grip and stick a pillow between them.

"This is my side. Do not cross this pillow."



She slid into the bed and pulled the blanket to her chin, closing her eyes. She knew Chat Noir would somehow manage to end up on her side but it was worth the try.

Another loud roll of thunder echoed through her room, followed by lightning as she waited for him to dive in closer to her but to her surprise, he didn't. A soft whining sound came from the trembling balled up hero on the other side of the pillow.

She rolled over and moved the pillow from between them, holding out her arms.

"Come here."

A wide smile plastered across his face. He didn't hesitate to snuggle in beside her.

"Goodnight, Kitty."

"Goodnight, Princess."

Marinette opened her eyes as she felt a poke in her side. Her alarm still had an hour before it would go off. She tried to shift herself but it wouldn't move.

"Chat Noir! Move over!"

She tried pushing him over but stopped when she saw what had been poking her side.

Her eyes widened and her face heated up as she shook him.

"Chat! Wake up!"

"W-Why? It's still too early."

"W-What is that?"

"What is what?"

He lazily groaned out the words.
It took him a moment to realize what she was talking about and when he noticed, his eyes widened, his face turning a deep shade of red as he sat up.

"N-Nothing. P-Probably just my... b-belt or something."

"Chat Noir, that is not your belt."

It internally embarrassed him, but he didn't want her to know that.

"I can't help it! It just... happens!"

"Fix it!"

"I can't! Stop looking!"

He pulled the blanket over himself so she couldn't see it anymore.

She blinked a few times before covering her face with her hands.

"Princess, I'm sorry."

He whined, not wanting her to think badly of him.

"Just... don't worry about it. Okay? I... I need to get ready for school so..."

She quickly climbed out of the bed and stumbled to the bathroom as her heart raced.

"I'm such an idiot."

Chat Noir groaned to himself as he fell back on the bed, closing his eyes.
Marinette poked her head out with a frown.

"Y-You're not an idiot! Stop putting yourself down."

She closed the door again and started getting ready. Chat Noir put his hands over his eyes and sighed.

He couldn't keep this up much longer.


He climbed from the bed and knocked softly on the bathroom door.

"Mari? Can I... come in?"


I have never written smut so IF I do, (wink wink) I probably, sadly, won't go into detail. I mean, you'll obviously know what is going on but I'll just skip to the end/ let you guys know how the characters feel afterwards.
Don't hate me, I'm just not good at writing things like that. 😅

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