Third Wheels

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Chat Noir practiced this moment in his head since the day Marinette escaped the hospital and caught him completely off guard with a kiss.

His first kiss.

He knew he was going to kiss her again, he had to. He craved a moment like that again, especially after seeing her with Luka and that's why he prepared.

So when he saw the opportunity to do it again, he did.
When he pressed his lips against hers, not only did his face turn a slight shade of red but a new feeling bloomed inside of him.

But then he remembered what she said about liking someone else, that she didn't like Adrien anymore.

'I'm being selfish again'

He thought to himself, slowly pulling away. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Especially if she didn't like him or think of him in the same way that he thought of her.

She looked down at her lap with a flustered face. She liked it, but she couldn't help the negative thoughts that started to flood her mind.

For some reason, she felt... jealous.

"Do you... kiss every girl you meet?"


"You're so confident in yourself. Always flirting with girls and..."

"Is that really how you see me?"

She looked up, seeing Chat Noir's hurt expression. She instantly regretted what she'd said but the thought of him being with someone else besides her made her feel horrible.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I'll have you know that you are the only person I have ever kissed. You are the only person that I want to see and I mean that."

"What about... Ladybug?"

"Do you not trust me, Mari?"

"I do trust you, Chaton."

"You know, you're asking me those questions but when I kiss you, you don't pull away. Didn't you say you liked someone else?"

Marinette looked down and started fidgeting with her hands nervously. She wasn't expecting him to throw that back at her.

Chat Noir smirked and pulled her chin back up so she was looking at him again.

"I guess I'm just that irresistible. If I were in your place, I'd be kissing me too even if I did like someone else."

She deadpanned and pulled her chin away from his hand as he laughed.

"I'm just kitten-around, Princess. I don't like all this negative serious talk. I hear enough of that at home so I have to make light somewhere."

"You know, if your cockiness didn't get in the way so much, you might actually be irresistible."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

He stopped laughing and sighed.


He held out his pinky with a hopeful look.

"I pinky swear that you're the only one."

She couldn't help but giggle at the seriousness he was giving her. It was cute seeing him hold out his pink to her but... wasn't that kind of childish? She hadn't pinky swore in years.

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