Pinky Promise

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Adrien laid in the oversized bed with the blankets over his head. When he heard the soft thud of footsteps approaching, he clutched the blanket around him tighter and turned his back to the door.

Marinette crawled on the bed and sat next to him, poking his shoulder.

"Hey, you."

Her lips formed a pout when he didn't answer her so she pulled him over on his back and climbed over his body to sit on his stomach.

"Are you okay?"

She rested her hands on his chest, frowning.

"I'm just tired."

"Are you lying to me? I have a feeling this is about Luka."

Marinette knew Adrien didn't like Luka but she didn't see a problem with being friends with him.

There was a long pause before Adrien finally answered.

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does matter. He's-"

"Just a friend. I know, I know."

Adrien rolled his eyes and rested his hands on top of Marinette's.

"You always say that about him. It just bothers me because you..."

Adrien stopped mid sentence remembering the time Marinette told him that she kissed Luka. Even though it was by accident, it still bothered him.

"Because I?"

Adrien closed his eyes before he spoke again.

"kissed him."

The blonde mumbled the words out, inaudibly.

"I, what?"

Marinette looked down at Adrien sweetly as she waited for an answer that she could actually hear.

"Kissed him. Because you kissed him-"


"No, I know it wasn't purposefully but it still bothers me. Luka is cool. He's so much more than what I am. I wouldn't blame you if-"

"Are you serious? That's what you're upset about?"

Marinette smiled at him, making sure not to sound irritated or upset. She didn't want to ruin the trip for the both of them by getting into an argument.

"If I wanted Luka, I would be with Luka. But I want you and only you. Okay?"

Adrien nodded slowly. His emerald eyes glanced back up to Marinette, making a smile form on his lips.

"I love you, Adrien. I love you so, so much. Okay?"

"I love you too."

He mumbled the words out again but this time a little louder than before so she could hear him.

Since Adrien practically had abandonment issues, he needed a constant reassurance that Marinette wouldn't leave him. That's why he was jealous of Luka, or anyone that seemed like they liked Marinette. The blue haired girl knew that, but she didn't see Luka as a threat on their relationship, though, Adrien did.

Luka leaned against the wall beside the door as he listened to their conversation. Marinette and Adrien seemed smitten with one another. He didn't want to cause them problems so he knew what he had to do.

Marinette placed her hand on Adrien's shoulder and smiled.

"We made cake, do you want to come back downstairs and eat some?"

Adrien sat up at the mention of dessert, nodding his head quickly. He couldn't resist sweets, especially if Marinette made them.

Luka slipped into the room next to theirs as they came out and went downstairs. He smiled sadly, resting his hand on the door. When the couple was out of sight, he finally managed to slip back downstairs without being seen.

Everyone else was outside, sitting by the fire that Nino made. The dark haired boy sat beside his sister and joined in on their conversation.

Marinette, who was still inside with Adrien, cut a big slice of cake for them to share. They sat down at the table as Adrien stuffed his mouth with a fork full of frosting.

"This is amazing!"

"I'm glad you like it."

Adrien put his fork down and turned to the blue haired girl that sat beside him.

"Can we... talk?"

Marinette smiled and nodded.

"You're supposed to leave in a few weeks."

Marinette frowned and looked away from Adrien's gaze.

"It won't change anything between us, right? You said you'd come visit on holidays and..."

"Adrien, it won't change anything. Long distance will be hard but we can make it. As long as both of us make it work."

Adrien looked down at his hands before holding his pinky up.
Marinette smiled softly when she saw it.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

She looped her pinky around Adrien's and leaned forward, sealing the promise with a kiss.

They both pulled away when the door opened. The group of friends piled into the living room while Kim and Ivan headed towards the kitchen to get themselves a piece of cake.

"I'll find a movie to put on."

Alix grabbed the remote as Rose put her hand on Alix's arm.

"Nothing scary, please!"

"Fine. I'll find something not-scary."

She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the screen.

She finally found a movie that they could all watch. It was a dystopian about some teens trying to escape a labyrinth.

Marinette snuggled next to Adrien on the large couch, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I thought you said this wasn't going to be a scary movie!"

Rose whined, clutching onto Juleka's arm as a giant creature appeared on the screen.

"Just close your eyes!"

Alix smirked, turning the volume up to tune out Rose's complaints.

When the movie was finally over, Adrien glanced down only to realize that Marinette had fallen asleep on him. He gently picked her up bridal style without waking her and carried her to their room. Every one else decided to get some sleep as well.

He laid her on the bed and covered her up with a blanket as a small knock landed on the door. When the blonde opened the door, he deadpanned.

"Adrien, do you... have a minute to talk?


Sorry for the wait, updates should come back regularly now. <3

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