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The group of girls headed out the door after changing into their swim suits. Alix stopped behind everyone, her face lightning up as she turned back around.

"Gotta grab something! I'll meet you all out there!"

She ran up the stairs as the others looked at each other in confusion and started back out the door. They all sat in chairs by the water as she made her way back, carrying two large boxes in her hands.

"Girl! Where did you get that?!"

Alya's mouth dropped when she saw it, sitting up instantly. Alix smiled and plopped the cases down beside them.

"I have my ways."

She proudly smirked and opened it, tossing everyone a can.
When she tossed one to Marinette, she held it in her hands, staring at it, not knowing what to do with it exactly.

Alya saw her confused expression and took it from her hands, popping it open and handing it back.

"You're supposed to open it and drink it"

"I-I know but..."


"Aren't we..."

"Too young? Probably. But who cares! We're on vacation and no one will know. Gotta practice for those American college party's anyways, right?"

She smiled, bumping her shoulder with Marinette's.

"I guess...?"

She put the cold drink to her lips and took a quick sip, nearly gagging on the taste.

"This is disgusting!"

Alya laughed and shrugged.

"If you drink enough, you won't even remember"

Marinette looked around at the other girls who were chugging theirs. She put it back to her lips and took another, bigger sip.

And another.
And another.

And before she knew it, she was on her fourth drink. The others had stopped at their first, maybe second one but not Marinette. The more she drank, the better she felt and at this point, she didn't want to stop.

She picked up her fifth drink after they shuffled back inside a few hours later. Alya had put on some music and somewhat dimmed the lights as if they were having their own party.

When the guys got back they joined them. Adrien was outside with Kim, trying to help him get over his disappointment from losing the bet.

Marinette was among the group of friends dancing when Luka walked in. His face fell when he saw her. She was a bit pale with the drink pressed to her lips.
When her eyes met his, she stopped dancing and gave him a side ways smile.


She stumbled towards him, taking his hand. She tried to pull him back with her but he wouldn't budge.

"Are you...?"

He glanced from her face to the drink as she started to sip on it again. He reached out and took it from her hand, holding it up.

"Heey! I was drinnkin' that!"

Her words slurred together, making him shake his head as she tried reaching for it.

"No more. You're drunk, come on."

He put the drink on the table and pulled her to the kitchen, making her sit. He fixed her a glass of water and sat it down in front of her.

"Where did you even get that from?"


Luka glanced up at the others, seeing a few of them with drinks in their hands. He facepalmed and shook his head.

"How many have you had?"

"I dunno! Lost count like, three drinks ago"

She laughed, making him shake his head again he only looked back up when he heard sniffling. The blue haired girl had her hands over her face as she cried.

"W-What's wrong?"

"He left me didn't he?"


"Adrieeeen! I don't want him to leave me, I love him so much!"

The girl sobbed into her hands, making Luka chuckle.

"Don't laugh! You just- you-"


The girls head shot up when she heard the familiar voice behind her.


She jumped from the chair and into the blonde's arm within a split second, wrapping her arms around him. Adrien hesitantly put his arms around her as he looked at the dark haired boy in front of him.

Luka only pointed to the can. His lips were pressed firmly together in a line as he stood up.
He started to walk away but stopped when a hand landed on his shoulder. He turned around to find Adrien smiling.

"Thank you."

Luka nodded and returned his smile as Adrien pulled his hand away. He watched as Luka walked up the stairs and out of sight.

"Alright, let's get you upstairs."

Marinette looked up at him with a lustful smile that Adrien ignored. He pulled her upstairs and sat her on the bed.

"Have I ever told you that you look hot in your black leather suit? You should transform for me~"

She gripped his shirt, pulling him down beside her and climbing into his lap, straddling him. His face instantly heated up.
He could feel his pants getting tight around his waist as he tried not to think of those thoughts. It was nearly impossible when it came to Marinette though.


She leaned down to kiss him, pulling at the string of her light pink colored swim suit until it fell off. She pulled away with a smile and whispered seductively,

"But now that I think about it, you'd look even hotter if we fu-"

"Marinette, stop."

He cut her off by reaching over and grabbing a shirt. He pulled it over her head as she started to argue back.

"But Adrien! I need you!"

"You're drunk."

"Am not!"

He rolled his eyes and frowned.

"Yes you are, you need to sleep it off."

"But I don't wanna! I want you on top of me!"

She crossed her arms with a pout as Adrien moved her off of his lap.

"I'm not doing this while you're drunk, okay? Sleep it off."

"Then can we?"

He felt his face heating up again as he nodded.

"Sure. Then we can do whatever you want. Just sleep first."



Sorry for the short (rushed) chapter. I have classes later and wanted to update before they started. <3

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